My Friend Cares for the Children in Lebanon and Israel
***We all have friends that we talk with about serious issues and my friend who is conservative and isn't afraid to say so was troubled by the posting of dead babies and in the battle between Israel and Lebanon. I'm bothered too! These are the innocents that get killed while the Stupids fire another round at one another.
My reply to my friend Top...
My friend I don't ever want to talk politics with you but people that blatantly post stuff like that disgust me. They achieved what they wanted to sell you. This situation over there is a battle that will go on for centuries as it always has. There are no winners and that is all there is to it. They both are full up with stupidity. Its nothing more than that. Two little kids angry and fighting over the same toy and you can't seperate them. This toy that they are fighting over is land. My only fear is that we as a nation get drawn into it. Nobody will ever win between these two. Should our troops be in the middle of it?
I talked about it as my OPINION on my blog earlier today before your post here. No offense to any of my friends in the bar.
In my own life as the child of a second generation Irish born immigrants son I was raised in the world of hate of the English no matter what reason? As a child I didn't know why but that was the family rule. My father was always going off on the IRA in Ireland and his own fathers participation in events that I have no idea if they were true or not. My Mother was from an old Irish family that had been in America for so many generations that the hatred was lost. She was an American first, she raised her children, all seven of us as Americans first. She broke the cycle that my father pedaled everywhere he went. The cycle of hate only has the power to succede if someone is pedaling it.
The point I'm making is that till people want to really have peace they have to give up the guns and the killing. Not a simple task to partake but it can be done. Northern Ireland is proving that today. Now that is where true statesman and patriots of both nations came to a common ground to agree that the babies no longer had to die by the gun or bomb.
Damn, I went on and did it. I'll delete this if you ask me too Top.
Hell, I'm stealing my words here and posting it on my own site. Top raised a good point and people need to know it.
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