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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bridge to Nowhere for Governor Palin

One of the worst things in politics is to be caught in a lie. In some instances it can be in fact a career ending event. Ergo the evacuation of many Republicans, and a few Democrats over the last eight years for stepping way over the gray line. I could go down the list of alleged abusers of political office and power but it would be pointless. Then again, maybe not. I could point out the shame of Mark Foley, the cover up by Republican Speaker of the House Denny Hastert trying to hide the fact that Mark Foley was a child predator. Then we could go into the fact that the leader in the Senate, Tom Delay, worked so close to lobbyist Jack Abramoff that it’s a shock that he was not on the payroll of Jack Abramoff. I won’t even mention the not gay but gay Senator (Not that there is anything wrong with being gay) caught by police in a sting operation at the airport because his “stance” was just a bit wider than most people. So wide that it reached into the next stall.

Then we have John McCain with the Keating Five scandal that was bought and paid for by all of the American taxpayers in that savings and loan scandal. I’d say that was the Conservative voters worst day in American history but then again that would not be accurate if the people elected John McCain for President in this election.

Here is the meat and potatoes of this post, Governor Sarah Palin claimed that she told the Congress, Thanks, but no thanks for the bridge to nowhere, courtesy of Ted Stevens, Republican from Alaska. Could the bridge have been paid for with a Performance Bond?Turns out she was all for it till the heat was turned up on it by Democratic watch dogs in the Congress. That my friends is a bold faced lie by the Governor from Alaska that she told to the Republican Party base in Ohio on her acceptance of John McCain’s pick as a VP running mate. Could it be that the definition of Conservative is very different if the money flows to your state as Governor? Over at MSNBC and Count Down they have this to say on this politically volatile bad decision to lie about the bridge to nowhere by Governor Palin…

Video Link

This is politics at its highest level and lying about facts that can be picked apart as easily as a Google Search is a bad idea. Maybe someone should actually look at the Governors speeches before she makes them? Experience in politics goes a long way these days. This pick by McCain for Vice President is actually showing his lack of due diligence which leads into the fact that maybe his idea of experience has the Republican pinball machine tilting thus the flippers are ineffective.

This little nugget of seeing the truth about the McCain philosophy and actual thought process just proves that Governor Sarah Palin is ready to lie like the best of them and take Dick Cheney down a notch. Maybe that was a serious consideration for McCain picking her for VP? Enough said on this one...


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Governor Palin Investigation
Sarah Palin RNC Speech
Family Doubts Raised on McCain-Palin

Cross posted at Bring It ON!

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Cindy McCain on Palin Foreign Experience?

Cindy McCain had this little interesting opinion on Governor Sarah Palin's vast foreign affairs experience...

Living in Alaska makes you well versed in foreign affairs and policy? Because it's close to Russia? Check please!!!

If you live in Texas, California and for that matter any state that borders Mexico and Canada, email your resume to the McCain-Palin headquarters. They are actively looking for someone to play the part of Secretary of State. Please list all of your Club Med international travel destinations with your submission.


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Quote of the Day

"John McCain's choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as running mate shows how desperate he is to distract attention from the fact that he is a cranky old man with nothing to offer but more of the same. Palin is a blatant pander for the women's vote. He must think we have the collective IQ of a Tampax." Katha Pollitt of The Nation

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Family Doubts Raised on McCain - Palin

The stories of doubt and lack of full support are popping up against John McCain and Sarah Palin not only from conservatives but from their own family members. Frankly, I’m not overly surprised seeing that John McCain had only briefly met Governor Palin just twice before he picked her to be his Vice President nominee.

Not that your own mother-in-law’s vote should be any measure but you have to give her some credit for not blindly throwing her full support behind Governor Palin as Vice President. Over at the New York Daily News they have this to say about it…

Sarah Palin's mother-in-law uncertain about how she'll vote

WASILLA, Alaska - Sarah Palin's hometown rallied around her as mayor - now Republicans wonder if the rest of America will warm up to the surprise pick from cold country.

Though her mother-in-law has doubts.

Faye Palin admitted she enjoys hearing Barack Obama speak, and still hasn't decided which way she'll vote.

"We don't agree on everything. But I respect her passion," she said. "Being pro-life is who Sarah is."
- New York Daily News

Then you have the outright declaration that Cindy McCain’s half sister is definetly voting for Barack Obama. Over at US Magazine they had a little chat with Kathleen Hensley Portalski and this is what she had to say…

Cindy McCain's Half Sister: "I'm Voting for Barack Obama"
Thursday August 28, 2008

Cindy McCain's half sister is planning on voting for Barack Obama, she tells

"I'm not voting for McCain," Kathleen Hensley Portalski tells Us. "I have a different political standpoint.
"I'm voting for Obama," the Phoenix resident says. "I think his proposals to improve the country are more positive and I'm not a big war believer."

Portalski, 65, and the potential first lady, 54, have the same father: Jim Hensley, the founder of the beer distributor Hensley and Co. that Cindy McCain now chairs.

SNIP - Looks like more of the family not jumping on the McCain-Palin band wagon.

Portalski's son Nathan, a 45-year-old aerospace machinist, is also backing Obama.

"I wouldn't vote for John McCain if he was a Democrat," he tells Us. "I would not vote at all before I'd vote for him.

"I question whether Cindy is someone I'd want to see in the White House as first lady," he adds.
- US Magazine

It should be an interesting Thanksgiving dinner for these two families this year?


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McCain Bush Connection

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin Inexperience Called on by Conservatives

I’ve been researching the choice of Vice President that John McCain made and I’m finding that even his own party is concerned about his pick. While John McCain put some serious thought into his choice for Vice President, pandering to the disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters, and of course picking someone with his moral values, a person that should be able to slide into the Presidency if God forbid anything happened to him. He forgot a simple fact, experience of his selection for VP.

Even the Conservatives in the Republican Party are concerned over Sarah Palin’s experience. I couldn’t write this any better than the folks over at the National Review that have done it for me. And frankly, I too am concerned with his pick for VP and lack of experience to run America in the lack of a heart beat in John McCain…

Cold Water on Palin
Ramesh Ponnuru

Both the pros and the cons are pretty obvious. I’m going to focus on the cons, mostly because conservatives right now seem to be paying them less attention.

The pros: She’s a pro-life conservative reformer from outside Washington, and a woman. The pick signals a boldness and willingness to mix things up that the McCain campaign, like Republicans generally, need.

The cons:

Inexperience. Palin has been governor for about two minutes. Thanks to McCain’s decision, Palin could be commander-in-chief next year. That may strike people as a reckless choice; it strikes me that way. And McCain's age raised the stakes on this issue.

As a political matter, it undercuts the case against Obama. Conservatives are pointing out that it is tricky for the Obama campaign to raise the issue of her inexperience given his own, and note that the presidency matters more than the vice-presidency. But that gets things backward. To the extent the experience, qualifications, and national-security arguments are taken off the table, Obama wins.

And it’s not just foreign policy. Palin has no experience dealing with national domestic issues, either. (On the other hand, as Kate O’Beirne just told me, we know that Palin will be ready for that 3 a.m. phone call: She’ll already be up with her baby.)
- National Review

One of the things that keeps grasping at my thoughts is the fact that McCain picked Governor Palin just for the simple fact that she is a woman. Mind you, I don’t know anything about the woman or the investigations she is under while Governor of Alaska but it smells of pandering to women in general as voters. Hillary Clinton is off the list of votes you can cast and that means that there are many angry women in America that just might vote for McCain if he has a woman as his VP? Did anyone in the McCain camp tell the Senator that woman in general have opinions on many of the issues and inserting a uterus into his campaign as Vice President is not going to convince them to change their opinion’s on the issues they face every single day?

Last time I checked, Hillary Clinton is a strong Liberal Democrat that is night and day on every position to the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin! You can not interchange the two woman just because one of them comes from the land of the midnight sun! What the hell was McCain thinking? Did he think that all woman are mindless zombies and will vote for a fellow woman just because she is a woman? Let me think about this, NOT! Issues Senator McCain are important to woman, and if anything, I would tend to think the highly educated women of America can see through this stunt.

One of the things that my generation is known for is that you do not for one minute assume that any women is ignorant of politics. What is that old saying from the McCain generation? When you assume you make an Ass/U/Me.

Belly up to the sink Governor Palin, the Senator needs the dishes washed. Pick a house he owns and just wash the damn dishes. McCain only picked her as a running mate to tap into the massive Hillary Clinton vote with the full expectation of stealing the votes with a token woman as Vice President. 18 million voters were behind Senator Hillary Clinton in her race for President but they were not all woman Senator McCain! There is no other way he could win and give us four more years of Bush Policy and government in his mind than picking a woman as his VP. Does that not wreak of male chauvinism?

At the least, Obama picked someone that could help him with foreign policy, world affairs, and someone that we as American’s would not have a problem with being President if Obama were to fall. Um, Senator McCain, did you actually check out her experience in government?

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Governor Palin Investigation

John McCain came all the way in from left field and picked not only a woman for his Vice President but also one from way up north in Alaska. He blew all of us political pundits away with his pick of Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President nominee to the Republican Party.

When John McCain said it was going to be someone with the same positions and heartfelt convictions as he himself has it made me wonder how long he has wanted to be a woman when he named Governor Palin? That was harsh but something that made me go hmmm all day long. Then it hit me, one of her other qualifications is that she is under investigation, something McCain must have considered a must for anyone serving on his team. Come to think of it, lately it seems like being investigated is almost a prerequisite for being a Republican politician in Washington. That and the uncanny ability to deny everything and anything negatively thrown at you by an ethics committee.

Curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see what the “Investigation” of Governor Palin was all about and this is just one of the items I found very interesting…

Video Link

It seems to me that she has the Dick Cheney gene when it comes to abusing her powers as Governor in Alaska. Does that give her a kudos as a Republican VP contender or should it toss up a flare?

Then I’m looking into her “Experience” in government and I have to tell you the truth it scares the daylight out of me that John McCain just turned seventy-two today. Sarah Palin was a city councilor in a town with a population of 900, then Mayor twice in that same town, then became Governor of Alaska two years ago. When John McCain says that the job of the Vice President is to inquire as to the President’s health on a daily basis I thought he was kidding. Not only would Sarah Palin be checking on his health daily but the McCain White House would be inundated with concerned citizens sending in vitamins, cholesterol drugs, and every other health maintenance supplement. He was not looking for a Vice President per say when he picked Governor Palin, he was looking for a mother type figure to keep an eye on his actual freaking health. Well she has the mother type figure part down with five kids of her own. I can give her credit for that so far.

Speaking of children, if she is elected Vice President, who is going to take care of the baby that is now five months old? A baby that some in the press claim that he has Down syndrome. Do you think that the future First Lady Cindy McCain could watch him?

This is going to be an interesting race…

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Cross posted at Bring It On!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barack Obama DNC Speech

At the mile high stadium in Colorado, Barack Obama has accepted the nomination for President of the United States with an amazing and spell binding speech from the Democrat Party. Some estimates have it at 75,000 people in attendance at the mile high stadium for his speech and the coverage of this one single speech from Obama was carried around the world by more news organizations than ever before for the Democrat’s. The coverage running up to this speech was that he had to make his best speech ever and he pulled it off with an all inclusive path that makes us all Americans first. It was a speech of a lifetime.

Earlier in the news coverage there was some serious doubt about the ability of the Obama speech to be clear in a stadium setting that would work well in the homes of the millions of people watching this on television. Then there was the early release of this speech to the press and the build up as a get tough speech was enormous.

Early coverage after the piece was full of praise and kudos and he earned each and every minute of this speech that he wrote himself.

Over at MSNBC they have the video of the speech from Barack Obama at the DNC Convention and acceptance of the Democratic Parties nomination for President of the United States…

Video Link

I’m overly impressed with the speech by Obama. He nailed it! This day goes down in the record books of American history as the first African American that has the possibility of being the next President of the United States of America.


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Hillary Clinton DNC Speech
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Michelle Obama Speech at the DNC Convention
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Joe Biden DNC Speech

Do you remember when America was trusted? Not my words but the words of Joe Biden at the DNC Convention in Colorado. In the speech in the video link below you will see many points that the tiger of the Obama ticket will take on from televised accusations in your part of America from the McCain camp with facts and not just rumors and innuendo. Joe Biden as a Vice President candidate will be the lion of this fight of right and wrong. All of his life Joe Biden has defended the people that needed his voice the most and Obama was on target in picking Joe Biden as Vice President. Anyone willing to get in the face of Bush at the White House and explaining the difference of the houses of government has my ear.

Bill Clinton in his warm up speech was just as great but Joe Biden brought the message home to Democrats. Joe Biden reminded us all why this election is so important and with the Clinton political machine behind them I honestly hope to think that Barack Obama will be the next Prisident. Call me biased but nothing John McCain has to say even intrigues me as a liberal and moderate voter. Every position he is for is opposite to the future of my family of five daughters. I don’t care about tax cuts, I care about the future my children will have to face. Obama offers a different path than the status quo and he has my vote. America is broken and hope is just a vote away.

Over at MSNBC they have the full coverage of the Joe Biden speech over at the convention in Colorado for Democrat’s.

Video Link

I’m thinking that many of the folks over on the right side of the aisle are having doubts as to the truth behind the McCain message and see through it just like I do. Republican, Democrat, who cares about that crap anymore when it comes to the future of your children? This election will come down to who can sell our children’s future best and not about tax cuts for any group of people in this nation. Although I honestly feel that the Bush tax cuts for the top income earners in this nation are rediculous and unfair. Then again, any tax on the people is just counter productive when you really think about it. There has to be a better way.

It was a true surprise to see Barack Obama take the stage in the shadow of Joe Biden after his speech. It caught me off guard and it was a unifying moment. I loved it! This act was a class act when it comes to any politics I have ever seen. Seeing them together reinforced the message they are sending and it was all about families.


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Bill Clinton DNC Speech
Hillary Clinton DNC Speech
Kennedy Speech at the DNC Convention
Barack Obama DNC Speech
Michelle Obama Speech at the DNC Convention

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Bill Clinton DNC Speech

If there was ever any doubt that the Clinton family is not behind backing Barack Obama one hundred percent then former President Bill Clinton tossed that trash out. Bill Clinton is a great speaker and his ability to cover all the hot nerves of this race for President proved that he, his wife Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton are on the Obama band wagon.

Bill Clinton gave one of the best unifying speeches for the democratic party to date. Over at MSNBC they have this video coverage on the entire speech.

The Clinton political machine is in action and the bump in the polls after the DNC convention will be huge. I’m just guessing but the people the Clinton camp hung around with were not the same people that the Obama camp hung around with too. Two huge political campaigns merging with 36 million votes combined is a huge number of voters. Some of those voters Backing Hillary Clinton will not loyally follow Barack Obama simply because Hillary or Bill say they shoud but most of them will. To those disenfranchised by the election process I can only offer the simple difference between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are almost non existent on every position. Hillary is and will be a large contributor to the Presidency of an Obama administration and Bill Clinton’s speech proved it out. I don’t havee a problem with that and neither should Hillary Clinton supporters. Hillary Clinton is the opposite of John McCain on almost every issue and if you think that the Congress is a check and balance then you need to rethink the last couple of years with a Republican President and a Democrat lead Congress. George W Bush found his veto pen when the Democrats to control of both houses of Congress. Before that historic moment, George Bush vetoed nothing. Voting for McCain as a liberal Democrat or moderate voter and thinking that the checks and balances will keep things going on the straight path is troubling. It's just taking on the fact that the changes that are possible with a new direction is something you have to believe in and Obama can do that for America. He isn't going to do it alone and in the course of Linclon, he wants oppossing opinions and thoughts around him.


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Bill Clinton DNC Speech
Hillary Clinton DNC Speech
Kennedy Speech at the DNC Convention
Michelle Obama Speech at the DNC Convention

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton DNC Speech

Many people, mostly women voters, have no gut feeling for Obama and are thinking about tossing their vote to McCain or just voting for someone else. In my own family, my wife was a die hard supporter of Hillary Clinton and just can not vote for Obama simply because she is not the candidate running with him as Vice President. Her gut feeling is that he screwed woman over and she will not vote for him no matter what.

I think she and the many people thinking like her are wrong in casting their vote to McCain if they do not vote for anyone else other than Obama. The result of this disenfranchisement is the same result that Al Gore faced against Bush in 2000 and lost the election because of Ralph Nader who ran a spoiler campaign. If this thought process is so widespread then John McCain will be the next President and you can look at $8.00 per gallon for gas and toss your humanity out the window as he militarily engages every single nut job nation to save the oil industry interest for America. Toss out your health care as it is today and watch your paycheck drop to nothing as the insurance industry writes the laws for another lazy President to dictate that your health insurance cost should rise by hundreds of percentage points simply because the people writing the laws need more money out of your pockets. Banking industries will be once more set free to pillage the land like Attila the Hun attacking the disadvantage again so we could repeat the Keating Savings and Loan scandal. Repeal all of the choice issues when it comes to your body and toss the shredded remains at the feet of your savior John McCain simply because you cast your vote for him or any other candidate other than Barack Obama.

Originally I supported Joe Biden for President just based on his foreign relations expertise that is unmatched by any other person in all of our nations government services. Politicians anyway. I switched to Obama because of his message and insistence on change and the fact that Hillary Clinton was going negative during her primary campaign. They both have the same positions on almost every single issue which is why there was such a tough primary process.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had such a hard fight in the Democratic Party primary election only because they are both so close on all of the issues. Both Hillary and Barack are for a national health plan, McCain is not, both are for getting out of Iraq and bringing our troops home, McCain would be happy to be there 100 years, both are for rebuilding America, McCain wants to sell out to special interest and big oil, both Clinton and Obama are very pro women’s rights and that is the final thought. John McCain would toss woman’s rights and advancement back to the 1960’s with his selection of extreme right wing Supreme Court Justices. John McCain is not even comparable to Hillary Clinton on any issue. His position is that woman should shut the hell up, let men dominate them, and should just be seen and not heard. Those words were typed by a father of five daughters and their future is very important to me! I do not want my five daughters living their lives as subservient and not worthy, this is America and not Saudi Arabia. My daughters are being raised in America and they too should have every opportunity to change the world they live in. John McCain does not care about the other half of the population that just happens to be female.

Hillary Clinton inspired over 18 million people to vote for her in the primary. Her fight and battle for the Presidential nomination of her political party was honorable and historical. She alone proved that woman are not just equal in politics but can in fact win enough votes to move the woman’s rights issues forward not just one step but hundreds of steps.

In Hillary Clinton’s DNC Convention speech in Denver she threw her heart and soul behind Obama for President but not for political reason but because she too believes in change. Change that she believes that only Obama can bring to America. With her help he just might be able to move our nation forward with the change that is needed and in the direction back to our nations people. What if Hillary Rodham Clinton made the arguement that I am trying to impress on her lost supporters? Would her own words be enough to change their minds? Over at MSNBC they have this video of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech at the DNC in Denver…

Video Link

Hillary Clinton is a driving force in this election and the wisdom she recited from Harriet Tubman on keep it going, and keep running is what America needed to hear. Our children and their future is in the hands of the people backing Hillary Clinton. She will be backing Obama simply because they have the same thoughts on many issues. Unity in the Democratic Party has begun and the message from Hillary Clinton tonight was all about those of us less fortunate, struggling through life, and working hard to better our lives and our children’s future. In Hillary Clinton’s words, “No way, no how, no McCain!” I have to agree with the Senator from New York on that thought. Please don't toss away your vote and thus toss a vote to McCain for President. Change is coming and it isn't found in the John McCain for President message.

Side Bar: Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman of MSNBC obviously have some personal and professional arguments and that was very obvious as Chris Matthews called Keith Olberman on the carpet several times during the coverage of the nights events. Matthews looked like a jerk in doing so each and every single time he got pissed off at Keith Olberman. Then I was wondering if the Pat Buchanan and Rachel Maddow spats and aggressive arguments was staged or real life thoughts. Knowing Rachel Maddow, it was real life anger.


Cross posted at Bring It On!

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Kennedy Speech at the DNC Convention

Teddy is sick, but he is not giving up. The Irish in him will just not let him go away quietly and I applaud his stubbornness. Brain cancer may have tried to silence his message but his fortitude alone pushed him beyond it. Tonight he gave a speech at the DNC convention that most people in his state of health would never have even thought of doing. If you wonder why Ted Kennedy had to do this speech then you have no clue as to what it means to be a true public servant. It isn’t the money, it isn’t the press, its just caring about your fellow man and trying to make their lives just that much better. Love him or hate him, Teddy Kennedy has been a staunch supporter for those less fortunate in America that don’t even have one home to claim.

I’ve known friends that have gone through cancer treatment and this speech before the convention of Democrats in Colorado was not just a showing up appearance. This was one last hope and plea for America to take the higher road that his brothers dreamed of and gave one generation the possibility of being a better people. That dream is not dead. It is alive and well in the campaign of Barack Obama and that is the only reason Teddy Kennedy gave this speech at the DNC convention in Boulder.

Video Link

Great speech Senator Kennedy. My heart felt prayers are with you during your illness. I wish and hope that your situation was different. Defenders of the little people like yours truly are few and far between in the Congress.


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Michelle Obama Speech at the DNC Convention

In all of my political reporting work I have never seen such an engaging and inspiring speech than the one Michelle Obama gave at the Democratic Convention in Colorado. In her speech she brought the politician that is the man, her husband Barack Obama, to the American people as the woman that loves him without doubt. If you thought for one moment that Michelle Obama was not a proud American in the past, she squashed those doubts in this speech before the convention. In her speech she touched on the thought that “The world as it is will just not do” and I have to agree with her. We can be so much better if we just work together to be just that.

Over at MSNBC they have this post on her entire speech…

Video Link

Michelle Obama in her speech raised the facts up high and highlighted her own tough road to travel to get to where she and her family is today. Her life, and her husbands life was not handed to them on a silver spoon, they earned it by working hard no matter the difficulties in doing so. Her family today is her world and their future is the same message that your family is all working toward in this very negative and unforgiving world we live in. The passion of her message is not just for her children but for yours as well. Bringing back America to the status of a nation that has always served the higher purpose for all of its citizens is the message to embrace by the Obama family and campaign.

At the end of her speech her young children came to the stage as Dad video phoned in at the convention. Hearing his babies interact with their Daddy touched my heart. I loved the little ham act and the love that they showed to their Daddy. I could picture my baby girls doing the same thing on a world stage. Tens of thousands of people behind Obama’s daughters applauding didn’t mean a single thing because Daddy was on the video prompter behind the podium and interacting with them as Daddy’s will do.

Michelle Obama scored a solid ten on this speech. She is not just a well educated woman married to Barack Obama but she is a Mom, a wife, and an American citizen that has worked hard for the people with the least audible voices in America. God bless her!


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Cross Posted from The Duke of Madness...

For Obama supporters, it is easy to dismiss the disenchantment of Clinton supporters as sore losers. However, such an approach is conducive to making a bad situation worse.

Hillary Clinton, love her or hate her, is the first truly serious candidate for the presidency who happens to be a female. It is not too much of a stretch to realize that while women as a whole have escaped the Stepford Wife existence expected of them not that long ago, there is more to attain. Sen. Clinton embodies that for a lot of women.

I think.

I say that because I am not a woman. But, I realize that while at this time enthusiastic about an Obama/Biden ticket, ignoring the deep-felt emotions of fellow humans is not the best way to proceed. Obama doesn't need to salve the feelings of Sen. Clinton so much as he does those of her followers. They deserve more than just "you lost!"

What DOES disturb me the greatest though, is the notion that a large number of Clinton supporters yearn to vote for John McCain this November. If it's to teach Sen. Obama a lesson, it might be considered a case of cutting off one's nose to spite their face.

A friend once remarked to me that Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. I sharply disagreed, saying that my daughter was the smartest person in the world. So I'm biased.....sue me. Or, it may be one of my two sisters. Or maybe it might have been my mother. I know it isn't my wife because she showed the poor judgment of marrying ME.

But seriously, I mention the above because I'm one of those men who grew up and have lived with a great deal of love and respect for women. My parents fought a lot...imagine George W. Bush and Ralph Nader trapped together in a life raft. That's nothing compared to the fireworks that went on between my mother and father.

It wasn't until the age of six or seven that I learned that "son of a bitch" wasn't one word. I learned lots of words growing up...mostly from the Old Man....and what gaps there were in my vocabulary were quickly filled by two drill instructors at Lackland Air Force Base.

Yet even as one as profane as myself has limits. There are certain words that go outside the bounds of what I consider acceptable. And that's really saying something.

So it came as a bit of a shock to learn that John McCain addressed his wife as a "stupid c***" in front of witnesses. To say it in the privacy of one of their homes would be bad enough, but to let loose such an epithet in public is beyond comprehension.

THAT is what ANY woman contemplating voting for John McCain should consider. It was not a faxu pas; it was a revealing statement of what this man thinks of women. And so what if he'd had a long life in the White House not tiring?

Before pulling the voting lever this November for John McCain, I ask you to consider what your vote means. It would be an endorsement of someone who holds women in contempt. That means my wife, my daughter, my mother, and my sisters. Not to mention all the other women in my life (doctors, lawyers, nurses, waitresses). Not a one of them deserve the "c" word. Even in jest, because there is nothing to joke about here.

It's NOT a small point. It's the only point as far as this voter is concerned.

Women and men are very different. They are also very equal. Anyone who does not grasp that by adulthood hasn't really grown in their hearts or minds.

John McCain should know better. And so should you.

Duke of Madness

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Biden Introduction Message

In the old email box tonight was a message from the Obama campaign for President from Senator Joe Biden. If you have been living under a rock this weekend, Obama tapped Joe Biden of Delaware as his Vice Presidential candidate. Anywho, here is part of the message in the form of an attached video…

Video Link

It’s looking like Barack Obama’s pick of Joe Biden is scaring the pants off of the Republican’s and I have come to that deduction by all the piss and vinegar being spat out in the comments of many left leaning blogs. Just the lack of credible facts and just pure hate makes you wonder what has them so afraid? To me, that shows that Obama made one hell of a pick for his Vice President and the run up to election day should be very interesting as they try and declare Obama a Muslim and the Anti-Christ, Biden a racist, Obama an elitist, Biden not credible on foreign affairs and the list goes on and on.

Here are just a few talking points to refute terrified terrorist Republican’s out to poison the waters of truth.

Attack: Barack Obama is a Muslim and the Anti-Christ

Counter Facts: Obama is not a Muslim, never practiced that proud faith, never embraced it but his father was a Muslim. If that is the bar the Republican's want to set then you too are responsible for the life for your biological father's religion and damned for life! Never mind the fact that you may have found your own path to God and your religion or lack there of. Barack Obama has his own personal Christian commitment to Jesus Christ and has had that personal relationship that he was raised in since he was a toddler. Don’t ever question a mans religion as one Christian to another, each Christian’s love and faith in God is a private personal matter and nobody else’s business. As far as being an Anti-Christ, Hitler was Godless, Napolean was Godless, both according to most religious historians searched for personal wealth, power and glory, and not truly for their fellow man. I’m sure the Anti-Christ would not be backing health insurance for all Americans, for that matter ending what can be an endless war in Iraq. Isn’t the Anti-Christ supposed to be pro disease, famine, plague and war? What is shameful is the fact that John McCain is not stepping forward to defend a fellow Christian, a fellow Senator, from this accusation but in fact promoting it.

Attack: Joe Biden is a Racist

Counter Facts: This accusation comes from a conversation Joe Biden was having in regards to his then political opponent in the primaries. A conversation meant in all context as a compliment to Barack Obama as clean and articulate. Obama himself was not offended as an African American and stated so. If you asked who did more for Civil Rights in the last thirty years, the author or co-author of many of the changes people have in todays society were started or worked feverishly for and by Senator Joe Biden. While your checking those facts out then you can also check and see how many of those laws that John McCain voted against.

Attack: Obama/Biden is an elitist

Counter Facts: Um, it takes serious money to be an elitist and last time I checked Barack Obama’s and Joe Biden’s net worth combined is less than $2 million dollars. On the other side of the aisle is John McCain and his wifes net worth set at over $110 million alone. Add Mitt Romney to the Republican ticket come their convention and you have roughly another $175 million dollars in net worth. Is Obama well educated, Harvard likes to think so and he EARNED his high placement in his graduating class while in college. That is not being an elitist, it’s called getting the best out of your education! As for Joe Biden being an elitist, find a union in America that is not supporting Joe Biden and I will show you a Wall Street investment firm. Oh wait a second, they don't have unions on Wall Street. Biden is as middle class as you get as a Senator in Washington.

Attack: Joe Biden is not credible in foreign policy

Counter Facts: ROFLMAO!!! He heads the Foreign Relations Committee in the freaking Senate… LOL, ROFL. Who do you think could name the leaders of most of the nations around the world instantly and correctly? Then tell you the form of government they have, who our Ambassador to that nation is, and tell you a little history of that nation? Joe Biden could! McCain could not even remember the number of houses he has? ROFLOL!!! I’m laughing to hard at this one…

Enough said for now…


Cross posted at Bring It On!

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden's Net Worth

Chris Matthews over at MSNBC and of Hardball fame has this story on the Net Worth of Joe Biden back in 2007. This will not play well over at the McCain campaign as they try and paint him and Obama as eletist.

This is going to be one hell of an election. I can't wait for the one line zingers that Joe Biden is famous for. Check back here for more commentary on this election race... Each of the DNC convention speakers will be covered.


Are you curious as to what the latest posts to Papamoka Straight Talk are?

Related Posts from the DNC...

Joe Biden DNC Speech
Bill Clinton DNC Speech
Hillary Clinton DNC Speech
Kennedy Speech at the DNC Convention
Michelle Obama Speech at the DNC Convention

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Obama & Biden Democratic Ticket

This video that was originally made back in January is making a huge comeback over at You Tube. The creator of the video had the great foresight to pick Biden as Obama's Vice President long before Obama even won the nomination.

I pitty poor Mitt Romney when he has to debate Joe Biden in the Vice Presidential debates. Joe Biden doesn't hold back when faced with lies from any of his political opponents.

One other last thought is the fact that now the Democrats have a voice in the morning drive as I'm sure Joe Biden will be on the Imus show talking up a storm with the I-Man.

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Obama and Biden Super Ticket 08’

Early this morning, around 3:00 AM, cell phones across America were buzzing with the Obama campaign news on who the next Vice President will be. Obama officially tapped the very knowledgeable Senator from Delaware, Joe Biden. Two words, EXCELLENT CHOICE!

One of the most important things to think about with Biden as a Vice President pick is the lack of drama associated with his name. There are no issues that he is in conflict with the candidate actually running for President. People love Joe Biden, know Joe Biden, and believe in his abilities to govern as President if God forbid anything happened to Barack Obama. More importantly there is not one other person in the Congress or all of the offices of Governor that can bring and expert opinion on foreign policy. Chuck Todd over at MSNBC has this to say on the subject…

One thing is certain, McCain will now have to step up to the plate with someone equally competent and let me be the first to report that Joe Biden is already taken.


Cross posted at Bring It On!

*****Our great friend the Gun Toting Liberal has linked in... Thank you sir!

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Traffic Update for Papamoka

We are growing and one site picking up this feed has us at 36,328 views over the last seven days. Thank you Reuters for the link love and I hope that we can keep you and your readers happy with our content. I was shocked at the numbers. Wow!

I'm thankful to all of the folks that pick up this site and run with it. I'm honestly greatful for the connection to this Worcester blogger. Now all I have to do is figure out how to make a legitamte paycheck from blogging? Anyone have any secrets you want to reveal?


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Buzz Feed Side Bar Link!

I had to remove a link that promotoed this site this evening due to beyond appropriate content showing up on that site. I apologize to anyone offended that viewed that link. It is my honest effort to run a site that is viewable by parents and teen age children alike. My heart felt apologies go out to all that were offended. I know I was. I was simply to stupid to look into the content further than I should have and that was my mistake. I'm sorry that you were exposed to that when you come to this site for your political feed news and opinion.


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McCain Smoke and Mirrors on Taxes

I have to laugh at the McCain campaign declaring Barack Obama someone that will raise taxes on the middle and lower classes in America. The Obama plan has a ceiling and it is on people earning over $250,000 dollars a year. If your family is over that income level then vote for the senile and dementia dude from Arizona. Trust me, I know what geriatric dementia is, been there, experienced that.

Dementia starts off slow and facts, figures, common know facts are lost or not having the ability to recall them. It can happen to people as early as their fifties and sixties. John McCain is not thinking as clearly as he was just ten years ago. One snaffu or one gaff is okay, even two or three are okay, when you get into dozens then we have a problem people! When everything he says or does is played out with the POW card it is a disgrace to the Veterans all across America. John McCain was not the only POW in Vietnam or for that matter in all the wars this nation has fought. John McCain is not in full capcity of his faculties and that is the truth of just getting old. Our bodies decline with time and his has been bruttally sabotaged by five years of torture during his Hanoi Hilton stay not of his choice.

Not knowing how many houses you and your wife own is a problem and wake up call. The POW card can only be played when it comes to patriotic issues and not common personal issues of property you actually own, been to, jetted into, spent a week or more at over the course of your life.

McCain is not the same man he was just eight years ago when he ran against Bush. He just is not the Maverick that was there for the moderate voters, or for that matter all of the independent voters. In all of our gut, we can sense it, we know it, we just can't put our finger on it. Why does his own staff have to correct all the statements he makes out on the road? Why does his campaign staff have to issue apologies for comments he made? Why does his staff have to find out how many houses he or his wife actually own? Why can't John McCain answer or be clear on these simple questions?

McCains biggest problem is the fact that he has embraced the Bush agenda so much that I honestly believe that it snapped his core values that made him the American Maverick politician to begin with. An event like that could be life altering to ones mind and it is something to truly consider when you plant your vote in the McCain garden of deception created by his campaign.

Think about it, why does McCain have to go so negative to begin with? The answer is simple, he can't sell what he has to offer and his opponent has the better message. Bash the message of your opponent and you might just win.


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McCain Blames Obama for Oil Prices?

Hold the presses Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and every other news publisher in America. We finally have a real suspect for the high price of oil and gas in America. My source at an undisclosed location deep inside the McCain campaign tells me that Obama did us all in.

Covertly, Barack Obama and his minions went from gas station to gas station over the last eight years and changed the prices at all of the pumps in America thereby raising prices so that he could take the most powerful office in the world in a cake walk election against high oil and gas prices. Investigators are probably dusting the jumbo numerical signage outside every gas station in America as I type this post for prints. We need to nail these monsters and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the Bush idea of the law as it pertains to his whimsy this week.

Reality is that John McCain is blaming Barack Obama for the 300% increase in the cost of oil over the last eight years for all the price increases in his latest attack advertisement. Those Liberal thinking jerks like yours truly are to blame for gas and oil at $4.00 or more? ROFLMAO!!! You can’t make this stuff up! Umm, I think that the Republican’s controlled all three houses of government over most of the last eight years! The same Republican controlled houses of government that found no price fixing over and over again in mock Congressional investigations. Some people think that Republican's still control the agenda in both the Senate and the Congress but that is another topic for another day.

Over at The Young Turks they have their own idea of reality and the truth. And I happen to agree with them. At the time of this post, this video had over 25,000 views…

Video Link

Watch for the next attack ad from the McCain camp blaming Barack Obama for the crucifying of Jesus Christ! Trust me, nothing is out of bounds when Karl Rove is advising the McCain team for President in 08’.

I don’t know about you but I have had it with lies from my President disguised as the truth only to find out they were in fact more lies for more deception. Saddleback was just the beginning of dirty tricks for McCain. He is proving day by day that he is in fact the resurrection of George W. Bush for yet another term to screw over all of America for the select few gain. Karl Rove is in fact a Republican God and should be worshipped as such. I'm thinking Anti Christ but I'm just a liberal leaning idiot. NOT!!!


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Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Seven Houses of McCain

John McCain was asked how many houses he has and he had to defer the question to a staffer? The fact that the Senator from Arizona could not answer that question played right into the “Richer than God” playbook for his opponent from Illinois in pegging John McCain’s enormous wealth to the common people of America. John McCain can play the common man role well but the hundred plus million fortune and too many houses to keep track of fact blew his covert cover. Before all of you pundits get your hair riled up, most likely all of the houses are in his wife’s name but the simple ground rules are that she is the wife of John McCain and thus they share a common mega fortune. Oh, and seven plus houses if you count all the buildings on the McCain aka compound in Arizona.

Over at CBS News and You Tube they have this to say on the latest McCain outrage…

Video Link

I used to own just one house. I had an investment property during that ownership but sold it off during tough times. Umm, are these properties that the McCain family owns investment properties or just places to crash for the mega rich and wealthy? Take your private jet, to which McCain owns, and just drop in for a weekend? My investment property was a three decker in Worcester. We rented the apartments out for what the market could bare and with both of us working fulltime jobs we could not keep up with the needs of the investment. My WIFE and I sold it off a couple of years after we bought it for a small profit and that was the end of our real-estate investment speculation. I honestly don’t think John and Cindy McCain are renting out many of their properties so the fact of being a hundred millionaire is square on the lapels of Johnny the “Maverick” McCain.

Just don’t tell anyone that he has so many houses that he can’t keep track of them all. How he comes off telling people that the economy is sound when foreclosures are going through the roof, to which I have had real life experience with, tells anyone with a straight face that he is one of us is a freaking joke!

Then you have the fact that the top contender for John McCain’s Vice President choice is none other than a man with a fortune estimated at close to one half billion dollars? Financed his own campaign for President to the tune of over $45,000,000 and recently ate the debt aka donation from his own checking account. How many houses does Mitt Romney have? That would be something for the Main Stream Media to look into. Start with Utah and work east…

The only way John McCain would lose his home is if he lost the damn keys to the front door. His back up is six other homes to sleep in. What’s yours?

Other folks talking about this issue:

My hat’s off to Panama John McCain for having the guts to run for the highest office in the land despite being on the losing end of an unwinnable battle against gravity and mortality. Some shameful folks are insinuating this only proves the Distinguished Gentleman From Arizona Panama has lost his mind….

We’ll see how “funny” you all think it is when the day (God forbid) comes when YOU forget how many mansions, plush homes — whatever — YOU own. - Gun Toting Liberal

And of course Politico with their follow up post here...


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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

McCain and Ralph Reed Connection

Does the name Jack Abramoff ring a bell to you? How about his buddy and business partner Ralph Reed of Georgia? If those names don't seem familiar then let me tell you about them. These two guys worked as high power lobbyist with Republican members of the Congress and lavished them with gifts, trips, and anything they wanted to get legislation passed. When it came to the Senate investigation of Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed, and the corruption they instilled in the Congress John McCain led the Senate in that investigation and did nothing when it came to the all powerful Ralph Reed. Hmmm, wonder why? Over at You Tube they have this possible answer…

Follow the money and you find where the candidate over on the right side of the aisle has his loyalties and John McCain is all about the money. When it comes to dirty money, McCain has only one response, how much have you got and when can I get my hands on it! McCain is dirty and the money trail from big oil to Ralph Reed proves it. Talking patriotism and what you want to hear can cost tons of cash and McCain would make a deal with the devil to get the money he needs to get the Oval Office.

Realistically, McCain is about as believable in his positions on many issues as an Exxon Executive is about cutting the cost of oil. Those thoughts just don’t mesh but McCain is taking in tons of cash from Exxon for toting the political line they want to hear. Now Ralph Reed is raising millions for the favors granted by the Senator and paying the debt off. Then again there is this other video from You Tube and McCain hypocrisy…

You be the judge.


*****Reuters has picked up this post, from Bring It On??? Ummm, Thanks?

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Stephanie Tubbs Jones Gone but not Forgotten

In the halls of Congress there will be one less voice. One of the brightest stars of the Democratic Party has been silenced with her recent passing. She was only 58, her charisma and zeal for the job she was elected to do will be missed by many people that needed her voice.

In the course of our lives we all need a person willing to stand up strong for those that can not. Stephanie Tubbs Jones did that in the halls of Congress at every opportunity that presented itself. She didn’t have to, but she wanted to. She is the example of being the better person and offering a hand of help to those less successful in life. Her presence in the Democratic Party was noticeable on her many appearances on the talking heads news reporting shows in the main stream media and that absence going forward is a great loss not to just the people of Ohio but the nation.

My personal thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, and all of the people she so much loved in Ohio. Stephanie Tubbs Jones was a class act that will be missed deeply.


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Response to McCain Oil Drilling Speech

John McCain did his stump speech from an oil rig and I posted on it here. Well that post got a little attention from some politically connected friends of mine and they asked me to post this You Tube video pointing out the strong connection John McCain has with big oil special interest. Two million connections with one oil corporation to be exact…


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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain Offshore Oil Drilling Hype

I have to say that I’m not to sure that this is such a bad idea given certain conditions. Conditions like our government going nuts in tax breaks for solar research, wind power research, hydrogen and natural gas research as fuels for our nations cars, trucks and busses. If the government focuses as much attention to these energy sources as they have on oil then maybe then we can look at offshore drilling for the time being? At least for the time being while the research is going on and improving the science and network needed to functionally serve these new technologies. Back in the 1970’s we had the first oil crisis where our nation was held hostage by OPEC and in 2008 we have our nation held hostage by energy traders. It’s a known fact that there is not one single answer to changing the source or usage of our energy needs.

One of the biggest gripes against McCain making this trip to an oil rig is the fact that his largest campaign contributors are from most of the big oil companies. Many far more qualified people are saying that even if we start drilling off shore in a large scale it could be ten years before the results drop the cost of oil down even just a few pennies? What about the millions of acres in known oil rich locations on land, in the continental United States that the oil companies already have access too?

Over at the Houston Chronicle they have this story on McCain using an oil platform to back up his thoughts on offshore drilling…

McCain uses oil platform visit to promote more drilling
By PHILIP ELLIOTT Associated Press
Aug. 19, 2008, 2:54PM

ABOARD THE CHEVRON GENESIS — Republican presidential candidate John McCain visited this oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico today to call for increased offshore drilling that he claims would lower the cost of food and heating homes.
McCain traveled 130 miles by helicopter to tour the massive facility, which produces 10,000 gallons of oil each day. He criticized his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, for not supporting such a plan.

"He says it won't solve our problem and that it's, quote, not real. He's wrong and the American people know it," McCain told reporters.

Obama's campaign, meanwhile, called the four-hour excursion nothing more than a stunt. Obama supporter and former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack compared McCain's position to the "Beverly Hillbillies" television program where the main character — Jed Clampett — stumbles onto an oil gusher. McCain, he said, has "a Jed Clampett energy policy."

McCain and his aides believe the pocketbook approach can connect with voters — and, in turn, suggest that Obama wants people to pay more for gas, food and heating.
- Houston Chronicle

One of the things that keeps coming into my mind is that Senator McCain flew by helicopter 260 miles round trip to an oil platform offshore that is only producing 10,000 gallons of oil per day? That is a quote from the story by the AP. If my calculations are correct then that platform is only producing 182 BARREL’S of oil per day at 55 gallons per barrel? I’m not sure that mega platform is even going to pay for McCain’s helicopter ride with one days production. After refining and what have you, how many gallons of helicopter go-go juice do you get. I’m thinking that the helicopter is burning a hell of a lot more gas than your average Chevy pickup truck. I’m guessing that the AP story has a problem with checking facts and CNN has the rig producing 10,000 barrels a day which is a huge difference in numbers. Even still, go-go juice for any kind of chopper is not cheap and they eat the stuff up like its candy to a baby.

How much would you like to bet that the helicopter trip was free courtesy of Chevron? How much money do you think is going to flow into the McCain campaign coffers for this trip to the offshore oil rig? John McCain’s energy plan is a joke and everyone knows it. He’s even being dishonest with himself for the sake of the almighty dollars rolling into his campaign from big oil companies. John McCain knows that any effort to put offshore oil drilling rigs in the Atlantic will be shot down in the Senate by every single state with a shoreline to the Atlantic. If putting up a wind farm off the coast of my home state in Massachusetts was a battle, you have not seen anything in comparison of battles if there is even one remote possibility that the fishing industry off the Atlantic coast were ever harmed by any form of oil drilling disaster or leak. Hurricane Katrina destroyed 113 offshore oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the environment and the fishing industry paid the highest price for that natural disaster. Over at the Washington Post they have this to say about offshore oil rig disasters from Katrina…

McCain and the Safety of Offshore Drilling
By Michael D. Shear

In an energy speech recently, McCain said that: "As for offshore drilling, it's safe enough these days that not even Hurricanes Katrina and Rita could cause significant spillage from the battered rigs off the coasts of New Orleans and Houston."

In fact, Katrina and Hurricane Rita caused damage to oil rigs and storage facilities in the Gulf, according to press reports and government studies.

The hurricanes totally destroyed 113 oil rigs, according to the government's Minerals Management Service, and damaged 457 pipelines. The resulting oil spills were large enough to be seen from space, according to several reports.
- Washington Post

Offshore oil drilling is not the only answer to the energy crisis we are facing courtesy of Wall Street investors. Research into many other avenues and looking at the possibilities of new forms of energy is the answer. The top three are Solar Power, Wind Power, and Natural Gas. All of which this nation has an overall abundance of. Does McCain talk about these energy sources? Yes he does but his heart and soul is brought to you courtesy of big oil and free helicopter rides to their offshore oil platforms.

McCain, McSame, McBush, McRove, whoever the hell he is today does not have the answer or even a valid plan for the next couple of decades and our nations energy needs. It is becoming apparent that McCain’s plan is more of the same and screw you. Thank you very much and please donate to the McCain for President campaign. NOT!!!

McCain himself and his actions, statements, and just disregard for the truth are the loudest and clearest reason why people should vote for change and Barack Obama for President of the United States of America.

Related Links:
Ocean View Helicopters has info on Helicopter MPG
T. Boone Pickens Plan actually has a plan to break the oil crisis
Think Progress has this on what Katrina did to Oil Rigs

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Just another SteveO graphic from Bring It On that I loved...

You have to admit that if you loved George W. Bush and the last eight years of screw you politics against the middle and lower classes, McCain is no longer the Maverick of yesterday but the King of tomorow if elected President of this country.

Please leave your Constitutional rights at the door as you enter any government facility and you will be frisked to make sure that you are no longer holding any civil rights. Please present four forms of identity as an American citizen or press one for another language choice. Thank you for being an obedient American citizen.


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Obama and Biden in ‘08?

Speculation and hype on whom Senator Obama is going to pick as a Vice Presidential candidate is building and the real money is squarely on the shoulders of Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. When it comes to knowing what is going on around the world I would have to say that Biden is a lock for Obama’s V.P. pick. There is not one other political person in both houses of Congress that knows world diplomacy and is as well respected around the world as Joe Biden. Biden is a human sponge when it comes to events happening all around the world and he would be a blessing not just to American's as our VP but to the world.

In contrast, John McCain will have to follow the money and pick a hundred millionaire like former Republican Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts who bankrolled his entire campaign for the most part. It would be a good fit for McCain, hundred millionaires have things in common that most of us regular working slobs do not. They have tax cuts in common simply because they both pay enormous amounts of taxes from their respective fortunes.

I’m good with Joe Biden, a Senator that takes the train home every night from the capitol, sits amongst the people and talks up a storm on any issue and he can nail all the facts. Joe Biden is a coffee shop kind of guy and that fits in with the kind of person I would like to see as our next Vice President. Over at CNN they have this speculation and report…

Obama VP buzz squarely on Biden
Posted: 12:51 PM ET

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

Speculation is building Biden will be named Obama's running mate.

(CNN) – When Joe Biden returns to Capitol Hill Monday from his two-day trip to embattled Georgia, vice presidential speculation will rest squarely on him.

The longtime Delaware senator and former presidential candidate has long been considered to be on the shortlist for Barack Obama's running mate, but his quickly-planned trip to Georgia Saturday night at the behest of that country's president left Washington buzzing he is the most likely choice.

After all, the Georgia crisis appears to have put national security issues again at the forefront of the presidential campaign, and it's an issue where John McCain has long held the advantage over Obama. The Illinois senator, so the Beltway chatter goes, needs a running-mate with foreign policy experience now more than ever.

If Biden does aspire to be on the Democratic presidential ticket, the trip couldn't have come at a better time — reinforcing his lengthy resume on matters of foreign policy and reminding voters, and Obama, he is well respected by foreign leaders half a world away.

The trip also comes days before Obama is expected to reveal his VP choice — with only days remaining until the Democratic convention, the choice is expected to come this week.

Could you picture a better debate of VP’s than Biden and Romney? I’ve seen Romney debate in the primary for President, Senatorial elections, Governor elections and he does not do well when someone with a strong political intuitions such as Joe Biden would be firing comments and accusations at him. Senator Joe would mop the floor with Romney and for that matter anyone else that McCain could pick as his V.P. choice.

I’m putting the money on Biden with Obama and Romney with McCain and that would be a bloggers wet dream to report on. McCain fumbling on his memory and Obama eloquently and correctly stating the facts. Biden pretty much would be slapping Romney upside the head with facts, figures, reports and the list goes on as Mitt finds his near perfect hair messed up with the tropical hurricane that Biden would be lambasting him with repeatedly. If you know anything about Joe Biden then you know that he has total recall and can state facts fast and furious.

Anywho, if Obama picks Biden, I’m cool with it. Even if he picks Hillary Clinton I’m cool with it. I would just love to see Joe Biden ripping someone a new avenue for human waste product.


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