Cluster Maps aka World Visitors

Labels: Blog Eye Candy, Blogging Tools, Clustr Maps, Side Bar Widgets

Opinion and real life experience thoughts on a variety of every day topics that matter to you as an American.
Labels: Blog Eye Candy, Blogging Tools, Clustr Maps, Side Bar Widgets
First John McCain moves Spain to Latin America and now he is moving Venezuela to the Middle East. Pssssst Senator McCain, they are not like furniture in your many houses that you can move around on a whim. These countries you keep rearranging are on different continents! Venezuela is in South America but I’ll keep this between you and I John. Mum is the word on your vast foreign relations experience.
Labels: Geography, Hugo Chavez, McCain, Venezuela, World Atlas
The best picture I could find was from AP on Yahoo News?
Labels: John McCain, Melanoma, Skin Cancer
Labels: Bailout lost, Bailout Vote, Congress, Democrats on Bailout, McCain Gaffes, Obama, Republicans on Bailout, Wall Street Bailout
The defeat of the bailout bill today in Congress was pretty much expected by yours truly. You can not dump $700 Billion on the backs of the American people and expect both parties to come to any consensus on it on the first round. Nancy Pelosi threw this bill to the floor without knowing if she had enough votes to pass it and that is shear incompetence. She trusted Republican leadershipt to get the votes needed on his side of the aisle and then she lambasted the bipartisanship effort by blaming Republican’s at the last minute in a floor speech before the vote?
Labels: Bailout Bill Failure, Bush, Chris Matthews, Congress, Hank Paulson, Hardball, MSNBC, Republicans Vote Against Bailout, Wall Street
Labels: 2008 election, single-issue voters
Labels: Bracelet, McCain, Obama Bracelet, VA Benefits, Vet Issues, Veteran, Veteran Votes by McCain
All of the drama that John McCain put into “Suspending his Campaign” to rush back to our nations capitol some 22 hours later was all window dressing. McCain literally claimed that he was going back to the capitol and the Senate to work across party lines to fix the Wall Street disaster. That would be working with the Senate and House of Reps controlled by Democrats right? Umm, only one problem with that thought process from the Senator from Arizona, the closest he got to talking to a Democrat was dinner with Senator Joe Lieberman (I) whom has slapped all Democrats politically in the face in Connecticut. Over at Think Progress they have this to say about McCain being Bipartisan.
Labels: American Politics, Bailout, Bipartisan, John McCain, McCain Not Bipartisan, More Campaign Lies, Republican Stunts, Wall Street Bail Out
Labels: Bill Belichick, government spending, offshore drilling
Labels: Alzheimer’s Disease, Caring for Elder Parents, Elderly Health Care, Election Issues, Elections, Healthcare, NIH, Parkinson Disease
Labels: Body Language, Critique of McCain Obama Debate, Debate Analysis, Mannerism, McCain Obama Debate, Veterans on McCain
Labels: Bank Bailout, Barney Frank, Bernake, Bush, Chris Dodd, Economic Crisis, Great Depression, John McCain, Paulson, Wall Street Bail Out
When it comes to wind power in the North East of America or for that matter there isn’t much movement on the issue. Cape wind is held up and every other project is held up too. Till today! Holy Name High School in Worcester, Mass had it’s skyline attraction wind turbine catching the breezes of the city of seven hills and churning out power. My good friend over at Worm Town Taxi has been posting on this issue for months and I give him full credit for being first on this story and consistently following up on it. Something you don’t see in the newspapers.
Labels: Catholic Church, Changing America, Energy Independence, Holy Name High School, Seven Hills, Wind Energy, Wind Mill, Wind Power Projects, Worcester Wind Turbine
Labels: Elitist, Jill Biden, Joe Biden, McCain, Michelle Obama, Obama, People Magazine
When I got this one in the email I knew that I had to share it...
Stolen with permission from Common Sense World
Labels: Debates, John McCain
Labels: Blog hints, Blog Traffic, Blogger, Readers, Search Engines, Visitors
What a week this will be for the History Books......
Labels: address to the nation, Bailout, debate
Labels: Safety and School Buses, school bus flashing red lights, Traffic Laws, Worcester Police
Why didn’t I get the memo that the Three Stooges had reunited again? Apparently, the new version of the Stooges is all about the money trail that has lead this nation down the road to a very expensive bailout. What a freakin’ knee slapper that is! Then again maybe this isn't so funny, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC has this informative interview on the facts behind this McCain/Davis scandal...
Labels: Bailout, Banking Crisis, Davis Manafort, Fannie Mae, Fannie Mae Collapse, Freddie Mac, Freddie Mac Collapse, John McCain, Lobbyist, Rick Davis
Labels: Ameican Economy, American Politics, dirty politics, Financial Markets, Wall Street Bail Out
Is it not unreasonable for the MSM (Main Stream Media) to not report nationally that there is a severe gas shortage in the South East of America? There are two things that this nation can not function without, one is food, and the other is Gasoline!
Labels: Gas Shortage, Gas Supply, North Carolina, Refinery, South Carolina
Labels: Energy from Wind, Free Power, Oil Dependence, Wind Energy, Wind Power, Worcester Wind Turbine
Labels: Ben Smith, Election 08, In the Tank, Liars, McCain Cars, McCain distortions, McCain lies, Newsweek, Obama, Politico, President 08, Schmidt, Truth in Politics
Make no doubt about it, George Bush and the policies he has followed have set the American economy up to be raped. He put a tube top on Wall Street, added some stiletto heals to the regulations and set America up to be raped! President Bush was not alone in this set up, he had help from the king of deregulation in the Senate from John McCain. McCain fought hard to deregulate the banking industry and he won. And because he won, $700 Billion dollars is about to head to Wall Street to save all the CEO’s and top executives with golden parachutes as they pack up and leave the mess on your doorstep. The rape is over, the baby is here now and orphaned by the people that created it and left for you to raise. The rape still happened!
Labels: Bailout, Bush, Chris Cox, Congress, McCain, Mortgage Crisis, Obama, Paulson, Presidential Election, Treasury, Wall Street
Labels: Bad Loans, Bailout, Banking Deregulation, Depression, Foreclosures, Paulson, Wall Street