Reaching out for help

This is really hard for me. I’ve worked hard all my life and I have always been proud to have been able to always keep a roof over my little families head, food in the fridge and providing an atmosphere for my five baby girls to grow up in that was nothing to be ashamed of. Never in my life have I felt so ashamed to tell someone what is going on in my life. I can’t make the rent. I can’t make the electric bill, the gas bill and the list goes on.
I lost my job back in March of 2008 and unemployment ran out in March of 2009. I have never not had a job in my entire life! I’m working now pretty much for myself but it isn’t paying the bills due to the industry I work in. It takes weeks and sometimes months to produce the products I sell and I don’t get paid till the end user gets the product and then they pay for it in thirty, sixty to ninety days. It sucks! The landlord has his bills to pay and I understand that more than you know. I sympathize with him. I don’t want to be a deadbeat but I’m going to become one and I hate that fact.
My lifetime savings ran out in the beginning of May and I’m up the creek without a paddle. Your savings run down quick when your unemployment benefit is half of what you used to bring home. I’m a proud man but I am not to proud to ask for help when I really need it to keep a roof over my children’s head and food on the table. I could really use your help as a reader of this site. Without your help, I can’t keep this going if I don’t have a street address or link to post articles from. And yes I am behind on the internet bill too. I’ve been packing up personal stuff and I have no clue as to where I’m even going to put them if I loose this apartment and that fact is evident within the next thirty days. I have no idea what is going to happen to us and I’m terrified.
I’m so frustrated with myself, with my life, with everything that it is truly depressing. And yet every single day I am working the phones to try and find new customers and sometimes I do but most times I don’t. That is the nature of the business I am in. Some folks might think that I should get out of the business I know but that would be hard since I’ve been in it since 1984.
If you can help us out that would be great. If you want to knock me down further for asking for help then so be it. I’ve lost all respect for myself at this point in my life.
I set up a donation button in the sidebar that is a secure PayPal link. I thank you in advance for whatever you can donate to the Papamoka family fund to pay the rent. God bless ya and love and hugs at ya. Feel free to spread the word that Papamoka needs help to pay the rent.
Feel free to email me at to get a mailing address if that works best for you.
UPDATE: 5/31/09 My personal thanks to all of my internet and blogging friends that have helped spread the word. God bless ya all! I humbly apologize if I missed anyone and please know that it was not intentional. I'll add my heroes to the list as I find them. You all rock and you touched my heart more than you know. I have to thank Jeff especially for his contribution. He knows who he is and I thank him to no end for being a hero when I thought I was drowning. For that matter, I thank everyone that has or will donate to the Papamoka family. You all have a special place in my heart forever.
My friend K of Gun Toting Liberal
Crooks and Liars on Mikes Blog Round Up, my email bud
My sistah from another mother at Chells Roost
My left coast friend Infidel 753
Political Byline from my friend Pat
Pink Granite from my friend Lee and Chuck
The Moderate Voice and my bud Joe Gandelman
Freedom Writing and my new friend David
Wormtown Taxi and my bud Jeff
Labels: Economic Ruin, Economy, Homeless, Housing Market, Jobs, Rent, Unemployed