Pope Denies Knowledge of Pedophiles

As an American Catholic it is not only my obligation but my responsibility to stand up to ignorance of criminal behavior by my church leaders, criminal acts such as rape against children by members of my church, and scream at the top of my lungs that I am not putting up with this SHIT anymore! There is one hell of a serious problem inside the Catholic church where everyone is passing the buck as fast as they can when child molestation, rape, and pedophile acts are committed by people that are supposed to be servants of God. There is not one single phrase in all of the teachings of Jesus Christ that says it is okay to rape his flocks children. NOT ONE! Why is the Pope not fast tracking that rape of children is not okay? Why is the blame game being passed around as to who is not to blame? YOU OWN IT AS THE POPE! Belly up to the bar Benny!
How can people that are declared to be the leaders of the faithful even live with themselves knowing that a rape of a child occurred under their watch, ignoring and passing off that rape of a child to protect themselves or the “Church”? Cardinal Bernie (the wink and walk away) Law ran for the exit when his ass was on fire for pushing pedophiles off to new parishes when Massachusetts was ready to prosecute him for illegal crimes against children. He’s now a top servant to the Holy See. This is NOT acceptable in any Christian religion where you are supposed to be the teachers of Christ word! How many of these monsters disguised as priests confessed their sins against children to a fellow priest and NOBODY said a damn word? Rape is a crime against humanity, rape of a child is a crime not forgiven in the eyes of men like me that still call themselves a Catholic. How is this behavior of ignoring the acceptance of blame and ownership still acceptable within my Catholic church? This is a deep routed problem that the church needs to investigate and fix instantly! Not in a month, not in a week. TODAY!
Common sense tells me that if you have a fire in your church where the raping of children is actually happening you put the damn fire out. You make sure that EVERYONE that works in that church knows that you do not rape kids or your ass is going to jail because your direct report will dial 911 as soon as he or she hears of it. The investigation will happen by the proper authorities, you will be tried, you will be jailed if guilty, and you will be defrocked from the church. SIMPLE! Jesus would be happy because the child was spared REPEATED rapes because somebody said something.
Being a priest does not make you immune from the laws of man. Church and state law in the United States is sometimes vague but if a crime is reported to authorities then those separations go bye-bye. Investigate, arrest the pervert that is raping children, try him, convict him, put his ass in jail where you would put anyone else raping children. Why is the job of a priest immune to prosecution when numerous complaints are filed? Let me tell ya why! People file complaints with the church and not the police. CALL THE POLICE if your child has been molested by ANYONE!!!
That is the lesson that the Vatican needs to send LOUD AND CLEAR to not only every diocese but to the media. The Pope needs to make a stand for the children as Jesus Christ would do, rape of children is not acceptable by anyone, you will not be transferred to another parish, you will be reported immediately to law enforcement, you will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in your nation.
I refuse to give up my faith because it has been hijacked by assholes that are pedophiles and managers of the church that think it is okay for children to be raped and move them on to other families in another parish. Maybe the Holy See should listen to those of us actually practicing the faith.
Clean house Pope Benedict and get your act together! Policing yourself is never going to work and you my friend need to follow the words of Christ and not suffer the children. Send the word out loud and clear that 911 is the only number for local management to call when a crime is committed by your staff anywhere in the world!
My last word, I’m ashamed to be a Catholic because of this shit. It just scares me that generations of children will be lost or further abused because one single man refused to lay down the law of God to which he is actually entrusted with to uphold. That one man is the religious leader of over one billion practicing Catholics and the people that preach daily to them. Cowardice hides behind a Sheppard’s seal in Rome when it comes to ridding MY CHURCH of pedophiles. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Enough, I’m pissed.
Labels: Benedict, Catholic Church, Child Rape, Holy See, Pedophiles, Pope, Priest, Religion