SCOTUS Corporate Free Speech

Labels: Alito, Corporate Free Speech, Elections, Free Speech, Supreme Court

Opinion and real life experience thoughts on a variety of every day topics that matter to you as an American.
Labels: Alito, Corporate Free Speech, Elections, Free Speech, Supreme Court
Labels: Green Industry, Green Jobs, Green Power, Renewable Energy, Wind Energy, Wind Power, Wind Power Projects, Wind Turbine
Labels: Acura Hybrid, Electric Cars, Ford, General Motors, GM, hybrid trucks, new hybrid cars, Toyota Hybrid, Volvo
Labels: Donations, Earthquake, Haiti
I was following the Supreme Court decisions this week and once again they put the time machine of American justice in reverse nine decades. In the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and ruling 5-4 stating that corporations do in fact have freedom of speech and can dump as much money as they want into any political campaign. Corporations have freedom of Speech???
Labels: First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Supreme Court
Repost from a while back but still solid info...
There is nothing worse than jumping into the shower and all the hot water is gone just as you finish soaping up. Needless to say the expletives coming from Mom and Dad as they finish their cold shower can be heard throughout the entire home. In my home the culprit for the expletives is usually me because Mom is up first, followed by two teenage daughters.Just a few nut-tard headlines from around the big blue bubble…
Current events in politics such as Senators retiring, Congressional members retiring or opting out of running for re-election has brought up an interesting point to consider. When you look at the makeup of what our government really is then you have to come to the conclusion that neither political party is truly ever in control of the government. The office of President can not be won by running a campaign as a die hard Democrat or Republican without winning over the majority of center or moderates that have no particular political affiliation. Which then brings up the point on what particular political party is truly in control of the American experiment and that would be NONE.
Sometimes in life you have to face reality and just ask yourself "What's Up?". This song from 1993 from Linda Perry and 4 Non Blondes sums up many thoughts that I'm sure are going through many peoples minds these days. I know I keep asking myself what's going on....