A Woman Has No Reproductive Rights

The Republican's are right on the money. All you woman that think you own your uterus and reproductive organs are nut jobs that need a lobotomy. Maybe you need that lobotomy to get some common sense into your head! No offense intended but the GOP thinks that all of you woman should be put in your place and know your place. Steppford Wives is not a bad thing if you will just do what you are told. Know your place woman and the world will be fine. There should be barbed wire around your reproductive organs to protect the world from nut jobs that think that woman have certain rights over their own bodies. What the hell are you whack job woman thinking? I think the GOP should bring back chastity belts too. And Berkas.
God only knows, the only woman that any good Republican man could ever trust and have faith in was his mother.
Rock on GOP...
This is the message of the GOP. God bless them. Everyone should vote for the GOP just because it is the right thing to do. For men. I think it's written in the bible or something but I could be wrong. Vote for them for congress, for the senate, and especially for president. We need to fix this nation and only a strong GOP government can do that by telling all of you woman how messed up you are in thinking that you own any part of your body. All you woman that have the right to vote now because of that bitch Susan B. Anthony should vote for the Democrat. What's his face... O something or other.
We got this covered. Men rule and babes drool. I mean babies drool. As God intended. So sayeth the GOP.
Labels: Abortion, Presidential Politics, Prolife, Republican, Uterus, Woman Voters, Womans Rights, Women's Issues