Westboro Baptist Church heading for Joplin, MO

In yet another disgusting and repulsive stand to get their piece of crap church message out, the Westboro Baptist Church has decided to picket the funerals for victims of the recent Joplin, MO tornado. This is the same group that travels the country desecrating veteran’s funerals.
The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) has found a new group of people to rally against. The Kansas church, most infamous for its hatred of homosexuals, posted a document last Monday on its website celebrating the deaths of the Joplin, Missouri tornado victims.
“Thank God for 89 dead & counting in Joplin, Mo & 1 dead in Reading, KS!” the document declared in capital letters. “God’s whirlwind is pounding the enemies of Christ! WBC will picket your raging blasphemous stinky memorials!”
The members believe this tragedy in Joplin—and all other tragedies around the world—happened because God wants to punish people for homosexuality. The group plans to protest at the memorial service planned for Sunday, and will rally against President Barack Obama’s visit as well. – San Diego Entertainer Magazine
Fred Phelps and his group are subhuman pieces of crap disguising themselves as Christians. I’ve been posting articles about this group for years because of their protesting at veterans funerals. Shouting out vial phrases how God is happy that their son or daughter is dead. How they deserved to die. Things that you would want to inflict physical harm on them for doing so. Under the first amendment, they have the right to say such things and the Supreme Court recently backed them up on it. The courts also backed up the rights of families to sue the Phelps family and Westboro Baptist Church for personal harm and the families have started to do so.
Patriot Guard Riders is a quiet group of folks that run interference at veteran’s funerals for the families of fallen vet’s and they do a damn great job! We need to put the call out to all of the folks that have a heart to run the same kind of interference for the families of the Joplin, MO tornado victims. Bring a big as life American flag and stand proud between the Westboro Baptist Church protesters and the families while they bury their dead. It wouldn’t hurt to say a few prayers for those still missing too.

UPDATE: Memorial Day 2011
300 Bikers show up to foil Westboro Baptist Church protest! Click HERE
Labels: Fred Phelps, Joplin, Memorial Service, Missouri, Patriot Guard Riders, Tornado, Westboro Baptist Church