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Saturday, January 11, 2014

GW Bridge and Chris Christy

No words needed here...

Battle stations Governor.  Deny, deny, deny.


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Friday, January 10, 2014

Mitch McConnell, It is TIME to GO!

I hate that I had to name this post after the senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R KY)(Minority Leader of US Senate), but this is a post about a serious election in Kentucky in 2014.  Mitch the Ditch has dodged the needs of the American people since President Obama took office simply because he hated the idea that a Democrat that happened to be a very well educated black man was sitting in the Oval Office.  Job one for Mitch the Ditch was to make sure nothing this elected president wanted done had no republican support in the senate.  Well, he did a damn good job of killing as many jobs bills and economic plans that the president sent to the senate for a vote.  And we all know what the government shutdown was all about that the minority party leader of the senate ran from after it happened.

 "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."  Mitch McConnell

Kentucky has a serious woman running to take Mitch the Ditch out of office.  Her name is Alison Grimes and she is running as a Democrat.  For the first time since 1985 Kentucky has the chance to vote in somebody that actually cares about Kentuckians rather than someone that needs a fat check for his political campaign before he eats lunch or dinner with you.

Some of the issues she talks about that are OPPOSITE to that of Mitch the Ditch:

KEEPING PROMISES TO KENTUCKY SENIORS: An estimated 600,000 Kentuckians rely on Social Security and nearly 800,000 Kentuckians depend on Medicare. Alison will protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare as Kentucky’s next U.S. Senator.  Protecting these programs is critical to the economic well-being for the Commonwealth’s women and families.  Women rely more heavily on income from Social Security than men do, and the majority of Medicare recipients are women.

INCREASING MINIMUM WAGE: In order to grow our middle class, we must raise the minimum wage to help hardworking Americans achieve a basic standard of living.  An overwhelming majority – two thirds – of minimum wage workers in the United States are women.  Consider a single working mother of two who makes the current federal minimum wage who brings home just $14,500 annually – nearly $4,000 below the poverty line.

This coming election will be dirty and Mitch the Ditch has made it clear that he will muddy the waters like never before.  Doesn't that make for a David verse Goliath story.  Yes, it certainly does.  Sad part is that he might get re-elected without having to do anything because people have always had just one choice in Kentucky.  Read up on Allison Grimes and if you can do so, send a few dollars or more to her campaign to Ditch the Mitch.  Even if you don't live in Kentucky!  Mitch the Ditch only needs to serve a few close friends that will donate all he needs to bash and trash Allison Grimes.  Most of his friends that donate to his re-election do not even live or work in Kentucky.  She needs thousands of us to match the bash with honest thoughts and a clean campaign.

Alison Grimes for US Senate KY link for donations  $$$$PLEASE DITCH THE MITCH$$$$

Have faith, she won't let you down.  This post was independently written without the knowledge of anything to do with Kentucky and it's elections or anyone in the election.  I just think Alison would be better


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Saturday, January 04, 2014

War On Christmas Victims

We have been following the war on Christmas here at Papamoka and we are disgusted with the massive slaughter of millions if not hundreds of millions of Christmas tree warriors after the holiday.  Christmas trees that were once accepted into millions of homes are now homeless and left for dead in the cold.  Tossed to the curb or just dumped as if they were never part of the war on Christmas.  Temperatures all over the northern parts of the United States and Canada are dropping and the carcasses of the best of the best of Christmas warriors are being outed as dead trees.  Stripped of their rank and war decorations and just cast aside. 

After putting all of our reporting staff on the subject we discovered a massive coverup that went all the way to the top.  Santa organized these domestic terrorists.  His network was world wide and duped every government in the world just to get free cookies and carrots for himself and his addicted flock of reindeer.    

National Security now list Christmas Trees as a domestic terrorist threat that have been known to drop sharp needles for barefoot unsuspecting American's to step on and say "Ouch!"  The industrial military complex is studying how these sleeper cells infiltrated so deeply in most American homes.  Ornaments nationwide will be tested next year for spying or looking really neat on dead trees.

This reporter still believes that these trees were just a pawn in the war on Christmas.  They served their purpose and now they are considered useless.  Someone with a kind heart should start a fund for all these warriors of Christmas.  They fought the good fight.  They leave behind millions of off spring pine cones.  Who is going to care for their families?


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Friday, January 03, 2014

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

More and more reports are coming out on the benefits of including coconut oil in your diet that one has to think it might just be good for you in more ways than you think.  My personal research into coconut oil was based on my father passing from Alzheimer's disease.  As we get older our bodies can not process the nutrients our brain needs to retain memories so certain brain functions cease to function. Adding virgin coconut oil to a persons diet on a daily basis skips our bodies nutrient transportation system and feeds the brain with the nutrients it needs for memory retention.  Check out the video below about Dr. Mary Newport and her husband Steve and the reversal of his Alzheimer disease.


And yet there are many other uses for coconut oil that are not in the mainstream media database.  Here are just a few benefits to your health that I have seen lately in my personal research.  I am not a doctor or scientist but some of the people posting this information are.

Increases ability of people with dementia to function and recall memories over time.
Helps with and can heal eczema and psoriasis due to its anti microbial properties
Dental hygiene when used in pulling that helps protect your mouth from bad bacteria
When rubbed on the skin after and injury or infection it speeds healing.
If you suffer from athletes foot it is very effective in fighting it. 
Coconut oil can help improve insulin levels when ingested daily.
It is a natural antibacterial skin cream.
Reduces acne when used regularly.
Increases absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Coconut oil speeds recovery from UTI's when used internally and externally.
Using coconut oil on a daily basis increases mental alertness.
When coconut oil is mixed with apple cider vinegar it kills head lice.
Coconut oil fats in your diet may help with depression and anxiety.

The list goes on.  Google search and get answers folks.  This is one product you want to keep in your kitchen cabinet and in your medicine cabinet.


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