GW Bridge and Chris Christy
No words needed here...
Battle stations Governor. Deny, deny, deny.
Labels: Angry Republican, Bully, Chris Christy, George Washington Bridge, Lane Closure, New Jersey

Opinion and real life experience thoughts on a variety of every day topics that matter to you as an American.
No words needed here...
Labels: Angry Republican, Bully, Chris Christy, George Washington Bridge, Lane Closure, New Jersey
I hate that I had to name this post after the senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R KY)(Minority Leader of US Senate), but this is a post about a serious election in Kentucky in 2014. Mitch the Ditch has dodged the needs of the American people since President Obama took office simply because he hated the idea that a Democrat that happened to be a very well educated black man was sitting in the Oval Office. Job one for Mitch the Ditch was to make sure nothing this elected president wanted done had no republican support in the senate. Well, he did a damn good job of killing as many jobs bills and economic plans that the president sent to the senate for a vote. And we all know what the government shutdown was all about that the minority party leader of the senate ran from after it happened.
Labels: Alison Grimes, Campaign Donations, Democrat, Donating, Elections in Play, GOP, Grimes for Senate, Kentucky, Minimum Wage, Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, Senate, Womans Issues
We have been following the war on Christmas here at Papamoka and we are disgusted with the massive slaughter of millions if not hundreds of millions of Christmas tree warriors after the holiday. Christmas trees that were once accepted into millions of homes are now homeless and left for dead in the cold. Tossed to the curb or just dumped as if they were never part of the war on Christmas. Temperatures all over the northern parts of the United States and Canada are dropping and the carcasses of the best of the best of Christmas warriors are being outed as dead trees. Stripped of their rank and war decorations and just cast aside.
Labels: Christmas tree disposal, Christmas Trees on the curb, War on Christmas
More and more reports are coming out on the benefits of including coconut oil in your diet that one has to think it might just be good for you in more ways than you think. My personal research into coconut oil was based on my father passing from Alzheimer's disease. As we get older our bodies can not process the nutrients our brain needs to retain memories so certain brain functions cease to function. Adding virgin coconut oil to a persons diet on a daily basis skips our bodies nutrient transportation system and feeds the brain with the nutrients it needs for memory retention. Check out the video below about Dr. Mary Newport and her husband Steve and the reversal of his Alzheimer disease.
Labels: Alzheimer, Benefits of Coconut oil, Coconut Oil, Dementia, Dental Hygiene, Eczema, Insulin Level, Keytones, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Natural antibacterial, Psoriasis