It is a given fact that the buck stops at the president’s desk on all issues effecting the American people. It is his job to do the best that he can to move the country forward out of harms way so the economy can grow.
As much as President Obama’s detractors want to paint him as the worst president ever, the economy is growing jobs under his watch month after month and not the opposite which was job losses under President George W. Bush. President Obama has stopped the red ink in our nations treasury by ending the futile battles to control Iraq through military dominance which he did in fact inherit from his predecessor. That is what I would call the KBR money pit that this president just ended this past week.
That should put the Cheney family (Former CEO of KBR) on a tight budget from this point forward in life. NOT! Google search yourself to see how a Vice President enters the office a low millionaire and exit’s a mega millionaire. And Dick didn’t by a lottery ticket if you were even thinking that might be where he became the top 2% of income earners.
Fixing the economy is not an easy task and it takes the efforts of individual business owners that have guts to invest in new technology. Coming from Massachusetts, I know first hand how many start up technologies needed help to get going and unfortunately the government was and can be of help when the need to experiment comes into play. Biotechnology would not be a center of world wide focus in Massachusetts if the political climate to build that technology was not fostered and given the opportunity to lead in that science. If the local, state, and federal government did not insert the funds needed to make Biotechnology the place to be born and grown then it would never have happened.
New technologies sometimes need a helping hand to create thousands of high tech jobs that can not be outsourced. And that is what America does best… We as American’s find a way to do things better because we never stop thinking of a better way simply because we place no limits on our way of thinking!
Now we have President Obama offering a tax cut that Republican leaders in the congress could never say “NO!” too but I’m thinking they might just do that just for the sake of the November elections.
Obama to call for $100 billion business tax creditBy Anne E. Kornblut and Lori MontgomeryWashington Post Staff WriterSunday, September 5, 2010; 9:01 PMUnder mounting pressure to intensify his focus on the economy ahead of the midterm elections, President Obama will call for a $100 billion business tax credit this week, using a speech in Cleveland on Wednesday to launch what administration officials said was a new policy push.The business proposal - what one aide called a key part of a limited economic package - would increase and permanently extend research and development tax credits for businesses, rewarding companies that develop new technologies domestically and preserve American jobs.It would be paid for by closing other corporate tax loopholes, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the policy has not yet been unveiled. - Washington PostI’m wondering how the GOP will explain why a $100 Billion TAX CREDIT is a bad thing for American businesses that are moving our nation forward just one step ahead of the competition with new technology? I’m sure that Fox News and their crew will be able to work it out on a chalk board how this TAX CREDIT has something to do with the Anti-Christ or some socialist movement by the president, but I’m not privy to all the prep work and spread sheets needed to make that connection.
I do know this little factoid. Because the push is coming from the president and the Democrat’s then the GOP will find every single reason to shoot it down no matter how bat shit crazy it sounds. Michelle Bachman will head up that brigade and Rush Limbaugh will bring up the rear of Glenn Beck and Sara Palin. I’m thinking that the tax cuts that will be proposed to be taken away from old technology that doesn’t need a tax cut anymore might be right up there on the number one list for just saying “No“ from the GOP political machine in the Congress. Revenue neutral is an oxymoron over at the GOP where multiple wars are privately funded with government money simply because you wave a flag and call it patriotism. As long as the money ends up in GOP donors pockets then it is not a political or conservative issue because they shy away from factoids. Again, spread sheets and chalk boards and some expensive lunches and meetings to explain it all.
I am not even going to guess where the Tea Party group's will go with this tax cut issue. Which reminds me, I need to update my spell checker.
PapamokaLabels: Democrats, election, GOP, Government, Government Funding, Iraq, New Technology, November, Obama, Tax Credit