Leaders and False Prophets

There are leaders and there are false prophets. A false prophet will tell you who is to blame for the storms in your life and demand that you “hate” the people they tell you to blame simply because they said you need to do so. They will offer no solutions, give no direction or shelter, and offer only false hope if you follow them without question.
A leader will guide you through the storms of life and always put their hand out to help you weather the current storm in your life. They will teach you how to fish so that you can eat, show you how to build up your life so you can walk proud, and they will offer you a ray of hope and shelter when you thought the storm had finally beaten you.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a true leader that gave his life for what he believed in. May he rest in peace knowing that he changed the world for the better of mankind.
Glenn Beck is just another money grabbing false prophet with his fifteen minutes of fame that we have all been warned about in Sunday school as kids. Glenn Beck is using his fifteen minutes of fame to make a buck and God bless him for being creative but does he have to be a snake oil salesman to sell his sorry ass to the country? Do people not have the intelligence to not see what hypocrisy he is selling as his version of the truth because Fox News and his radio gig is a money making machine? The man needs to do nothing to be accountable for his comments, actions, or dare I say extremist points of view when he drops the Nazi bomb every chance he gets on those of us that actually have a political brain and realistic opinion.
Martin Luther King Jr. raised our nation up as a people during the hardest part of the civil rights movement using only the truth and that is the mightiest of weapon given to mankind. Glenn Beck offers nothing to the people that follow him. NOTHING! And even when he is caught in a lie, which happens all the time, all he can offer in his own defense is that he is an “Entertainer” and not a political leader. His own words betray him time and time again. Using his own logic and chalk board… Glenn Beck is a self proclaimed false prophet.
Labels: False Prophet, Fox News, Glenn Beck, I have a dream, Martin Luther King Jr, Politics, Tea Party