Times in the Papamoka household have come to the bottom. With the coming divorce and separation of my family has come some deep thoughts and personal retrospect. The economy sucks and their are fifteen or more people applying for every job that I apply for. I'm going to say a fond goodbye to all my friends here at Papamoka Straight Talk for now. I'm packing up the house to move out and into a new adventure in life. All of the pictures of my girls, our life, and just the basics that will fit into my mini SUV. Where it takes us is is God's will and I accept the lessons I need to learn. Life is what it is and I need to face it head on.
The girls will stay in Mass a two sticks with mom and I will try and find work elsewhere to send money home to them. I can't pay the rent here and I don't want to be a burden to the owner of the house with his two little girls. In two weeks I point my truck south to my family in Florida or Missouri. Not sure which but both have open arms for me and a place for me to rest my head and start all over. I'm not giving up hope and praying that several of the jobs I've applied for might offer an interview soon but time is running short.
"Paper or Plastic" is not far from my vocabulary when it comes to finding a new job anymore. Especially, when nobody wants to hire a Quality Control Manager with twenty plus years of experience in manufacturing and developing entire quality systems from scratch. Writing ISO quality manuals, certifications, audits, the whole gambit when it comes to anything that is manufactured. Experience in this economy means nothing and the jobs that used to pay a decent wage are no more.
Please wish me luck and prosperity.
Thank you for reading and caring about our little family. Reality sucks and I need to do more than just bitch about life. I'm moving on. Hopefully for the better.
God bless and keep you all well. I will be back but I can't say when.