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Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Woman Need to Vote!


In the current 2024 election for President of the United States we have two very diverse candidates on the issues.  This is a time when the voice of woman across the nation needs to be heard loud and clear in your vote.  It does not matter what political party you belong to anymore.  The rights of woman are under attack from political leaders and the highest of courts.  Your say in the future of your daughters and their daughters is in the balance of how you decide to vote.

One candidate will work to make sure that you have a say on your autonomy of your own body and the other will roll with whatever the political party wants.  The candidate against woman does not care one single bit about woman.  If it works for the political objectives that make him win, he does not care.  You do not matter in his eyes and soul.

I grew up in an Irish Catholic family from outside of Boston and was raised that no matter how much I would hate my father at times, I should always love my mother.  You only get on mother he used to say.  My Dad worshiped the ground she walked on.  She raised seven children with that love.  He was old school just like her parents where the boys were all sent off to higher schooling to provide for their future families and the girls were just there to make babies.  It was a different time.  We do not live in those times anymore.  Thank God!

One of the things I see in the different campaigns is obvious.  One of them wants to talk about themselves and their personal persecution and the other wants to talk about the future of all of us.  One will play golf for four years and the other will be working to make America a much better place for our families and all of our daughters to live and thrive in.

One of them wants to make woman’s rights no longer valid when it comes to your own body.  The other wants to empower woman to achieve the full potential that they can be without the doctor she visits saying that they cannot legally treat her.

The woman and mothers of this country need to step up to the plate and fight for the democracy of this country that you want for your daughters and granddaughters going forward.  Woman can be the greatest movement in this upcoming election if they decide to voice their opinion on the election for President of the United States of America.  The only way to do that is to vote in November.  Register to vote and let your voice be heard.


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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Suckers and Losers...


Thank you for your service…

I don’t get it.  My dad was a proud veteran that served in the United States of America’s Navy as a corpsman during WWII.  He was wounded on Iwo Jima.  Returned to service to patch up the Marines he was pledged to take care of.  When the Korea conflict started, he went back into the Navy as a corpsman.  When I say thank you for your service, I think about the sacrifices of the men my dad patched up till they could get better care and those guys that didn’t survive his care because they were so badly wounded and just could not survive.

Suckers and losers according to one man that half of America is devoted to.  A man that recently declared that the Congressional Medal of Honor is not as good as the medals he gave out to wealthy donors as President.  Suckers and losers, thank you for your service.

We are one nation that should all be grateful for the many sacrifices our veterans have paid including the ultimate price, their life.  The talking point of thanking veterans for their service is now a joke from a guy that never served his country.  Neither did his father. 

Democracy in this country has been defended by hundreds of thousands that gave their lives to protect it and preserve it.  Our votes should honor those many sacrifices over the hundreds of years that is the United States of America.  Please do not forsake the greatest of all gifts so many veterans gave this nation.  They are counting on you to be the better person to defend our democracy with your simple action of voting to defend American democracy.


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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sometimes they like to be grabbed...

And cuddled. 

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Saturday, August 17, 2024


Any Judge in any district where Trump is facing charges should consider him a flight risk.  He has 34 felony counts on him in New York and is out on bail.  That bail should be revoked based on his own words from his own mouth in a discussion with Elon Musk on X aka Twitter.

8/13/24 – Newsweek 

"If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country," Trump said to Musk. "OK, so we'll go. You and I will go, and we'll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela."



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