Politics of Faith

I'm told by friends and family that you can not be a Democrat if you are Catholic and by other friends and family that you can not be a Republican if you are Catholic. I'm not an extremist on any single issue and that makes me the beast stuck in the middle of the voting block.
If you are a Catholic then the big abortion issue comes up where you must be pro life and thus you must be a Republican. Only because the GOP has cornered the concession stand at the bible belt and you have to pay whatever prices they want for the product. I can see some of that point but the Republican party only cares about defending the life of the child and not the circumstances to which that child will be forced to live in. Rape, incest, whatever the reason, the woman and mother does not have a say over her body. I don't agree with that theory. It is her choice and no man can or should be able to decide for that woman. That makes me a very bad Catholic in the eyes of some. And before you cast your venom, clean your own house of pedophiles within your church.
If you are Catholic then the issue of taking care of the poor as Jesus asked comes front and center. The Catholic Church does more work behind the scenes without question serving millions of poor people all across the world. I applaud that service and have helped in that effort. That is what the Democrats want to do but with a political sledgehammer. You must tow the party line or be lambasted as a reject or worse not worthy of the party.
My dilemma is that both political parties and my own religion are telling me that I suck and yet they all want my support. What if I just stick to the middle and tell all three sides to bite me? Tell the Democrats that I don't want their brow beating on budget issues where I have to give my national treasury away to the lower classes at my expense. Tell the Republicans to suck my... on giving tax breaks to the rich while the rest of the nation is faltering in debt. Then when the church asks me to give a little bit more then all I can do is beg that we not mix politics and religion. The difference between all three is that I go to confession to confess my sins and none of the other are ever accountable. And that my friends is why the founding fathers separated church and state.
Religion has no place in politics. Not in this country. I'll leave your politics alone when you leave my personal relationship with my God alone.
Labels: American Politics, Church and State, Thomas Jefferson