Alzheimer’s Association News
Having loved and lost my dad to Alzheimer’s disease I can honestly say that it is a disease I would not wish on my worst enemy. To see someone you love slowly degenerate into someone so helpless and lost it scares me. And there by the grace of God go I. As we baby boomers age the chances of us coming down with this disease is very high. Some people say one in ten, others claim three in ten. Even if you look at the least amount it is still ten percent of the population. There is a way to cure this disease and the way to do it is to speak out on it, talk about it, and if you can afford to do so, donate to the people that want to fight it head on at the Alzheimer's Association.
Check out the links below and if you can ACT on the issue of Alzheimer’s then you are looking out for the one in ten that could be you. We will never know what causes this debilitating disease if we keep it and our loved ones afflicted with it in the closet. The time to fight and beat Alzheimer’s disease is now.
Thank you for your support in defeating this terrible disease. Please check out the links below and ACT accordingly to your heart’s desire.
10 Signs of Alzheimers
Alzheimer Myths
Related Dementia’s
Diagnosing Alzheimer's
Labels: alzheimer's, Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimers, assisted living, baby boomer, boomer generation, boomers, Dementia, Elderly, Generation Alzheimer’s, Memory Loss, old age