Arizona Catch 22 Immigration Law

The Governor of Arizona and the state legislature have just passed an immigration law that promotes racial profiling at the local police level. My condolences go out to everyone that is Latino or American Indian that lives in Arizona for all the bullshit traffic stops you are about to endure. Is the law Constitutionally sound? Hell no! Does it make sense? Hell yes! But it makes one obvious point and that is the fact that Arizona is in fact up to its eyeballs in trying to deal with a problem that the federal government has ignored for years. The border is not secure and illegal immigrants are coming whether we like it or not.
When anyone says they are not afraid of the law and would willingly submit to an invasion of their civil liberties then they know that they are not the target of the Arizona law that was just enacted. Is there an illegal immigrant problem in Arizona? There sure as hell is! President Obama should send our military troops to the border and do so immediately. Making any state pass and institute police state laws that are constitutionally wrong is only going to flood the court system with lawsuits by the thousands of people that are and have been life long American citizens. Freedom of travel is an American right instituted by our founding fathers under the Constitution.
When you put the spotlight on this law in Arizona it becomes crystal clear that it is intended to push the federal government to actually do something about the southern border of the country. And the President should act quickly. As blue blooded and liberal that I am, I agree with many of my friends on the right side of the aisle that the federal government needs to step up its efforts to defend and maintain the border.
On the other side of the fence is a nation that actually has to have its military patrolling the streets of every town because the drug cartels are so far out of control. Murder is not only accepted as a common place thing but it has come to the point that a few dead bodies in the downtown districts are the equivalent of a flower box in front of a store.
If the United States government used all of its resources like the IRS to follow the money, Treasury to investigate the money trail, FBI to take the leads and shut down the operation on this side of the border, CIA to find the cartel drug lords and make them go bye- bye, Navy to patrol the shores as if the drug runners were pirates, Army to lay down a world of hell when the drug runners think they can and will overpower the border guards, Marines and Air Force to take the locations where the drug trade originates from and shut it down for good, then the drug cartels will actually fear all law enforcement efforts. Our government and the Mexican government needs to be concentrated on shutting down the cartels and then the majority of the profitable drug trade would end. Then the original cause for the legislation would slow in Arizona. When you follow the money of any issue then you will find the source of the problem.
This should not be a NIMBY issue for the state of Arizona if the President acted to defend the border. Send the troops to patrol our borders rather than the poppy fields in Afghanistan and that would be the end of this discussion.
But I stand by the fact that the law passed and signed by Arizona’s Governor will never pass a lower court test when it is enforced. Freedom of travel is one of the top three of our nations most defended rights.
Labels: Arizona border, Cocaine, Drug Cartel, Drug Trade, Marijuana, Methampetimine, Mexico Border