Bush “InteliGate” World Tour Debut

Today President Bush stated that he had no recollection of the tapes and their destruction. That is when you take a whiff to the air and ask yourself if you are near a cow farm full of bulls because something just does not smell right.
Over at the Washington Post they have this story on it…
Bush Does Not Recall Learning of Destroyed CIA Tapes
Senate's Second-Ranking Democrat Calls for Justice Dept. Probe
By William Branigin, Dan Eggen and Joby Warrick
Friday, December 7, 2007; 3:14 PM
President Bush does not recall being informed before yesterday morning about the existence or subsequent destruction of video recordings showing harsh CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects, the White House said today.
The recordings, which CIA Director Michael V. Hayden disclosed yesterday had been made in 2002 but destroyed three years later, set off a furor on Capitol Hill today, with the Senate's second-ranking Democrat demanding a Justice Department investigation.
Snip and tuck…
The tapes were made to document any confessions the two men might make and to serve as an internal check on how the interrogations were conducted, senior intelligence officials said.
All the tapes were destroyed in November 2005 on the order of Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., then the CIA's director of clandestine operations, officials said. The destruction came after the Justice Department had told a federal judge in the case of Moussaoui that the CIA did not possess videotapes of a specific set of interrogations sought by his attorneys. A CIA spokesman said yesterday that the request would not have covered the destroyed tapes.
The tapes also were not provided to the Sept. 11 commission, which demanded a wide array of material and relied heavily on classified interrogation transcripts in piecing together its narrative of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. - Washington Post
For some odd reason all I can think of is the Valerie Plame outing where good old George claimed no knowledge of the leak from inside the White House. He did however state that the person or persons responsible would no longer be working in his administration. I’m wondering if he and Dick ever laughed so hard in their lives? Now I’m wondering if they both went on vacation after he made that statement? Maybe he was telling the truth after all!
President Nixon only had the guts to delete a few minutes of his secretive tapes, George is bulk erasing everything he can get his hands on over at the CIA in Langley. This could be a huge job so our nation must sacrifice for the sake of the Presidency. The amount of electricity needed to delete all the crimes they have committed will take sixty eight waste to energy plants, 32,328 wind turbines, Niagra Falls power generated for six months, 1.2 million roof top solar panels and four D batteries (for Dick Cheney’s flashlight). Frankly, you have to admire his green energy initiative to get this critical job done.
This at least explains the amount of times the lights dim in your home or place of business. I’d of preferred that Nancy Pelosi would have started the impeachment process rather than having my lighting resemble a strobe light.
Technorati Tags:
Bush, Cheney, White House, Washington Post, William Branigin, Dan Eggen, Joby Warrick, CIA, Watergate, Torture, Guantanamo, Gitmo, Intelligence Cover Up, Republican, George Bush, President Bush, Deleting Evidence, Central Intelligence Agency, President Nixon, Dick Durbin, Mukasey, Hayden, John Conyers Jr, Dana Perino, Impeach Bush, Impeach Cheney, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan
Labels: Bush Legacy, Bush Lies, Hiding the Truth, Investigations, Legally Bush, Nixon, Signing Statements, Torture

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