Building Web Sites All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
This is a shameless plug for a friend of mine from my home town of Worcester, Massachusetts. Claudia Snell writes a great local blog on events happening in and around the city with some great photo’s as well. She shows her local pride in her blog titled I’m from Worcester.
It turns out that Claudia has been keeping a secret from me and the rest of her readers and it really ticked me off that she did! Claudia Snell has a published book out on how to build websites. (Note to self, buy a copy) The title is Building Web Sites All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies that was co-written by Doug Sahlin and Claudia Snell. I could have used a copy of this book when I wiped Papamoka Straight Talk clear off the internet by being a self proclaimed web hack. I’m hoping she has a chapter on BlogSpot and what NOT to do!
I’m off to Amazon to pick up a copy. If you are like me when it comes to being a self published web journalist, then you know just enough to be dangerous when it comes down to writing code. Trust me, there are not enough Hail Mary’s and Our Father’s when you mistakenly wipe out your website and have to start from scratch again. Buy Claudia and Doug’s book and save yourself the hours of aggravation and tears.
I’ll be back right after I TP someone’s house for keeping a secret from me…
Technorati Tags:
Worcester Author, Writing, Publishing, Published Book, New Author, Blogging, Web Publishing, Web Journal, Blogger, Email Buddy, Online, AOL, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Building a Web Site, Web Community, Statcounter, Amazon Associate, Blogging for fun, Internet Hobby
Labels: Internet Access, Web Design, Web How To

Thanks for the post -that's cool of you :-)
I'm going to be on the lookout for flying toilet paper though. haha!!
Claudia... I'll have to write this response quickly... It turns out I had the wrong house and the owner of the house that I graced with seventy rolls of Charmin was a State Trooper. I'll email you if he stops chasing me and the girls at the Canadian border.
Mega Cudos or is it Kudos or... Oh hell great job on the book launching.
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