Grinch AKA Bush Kills Kids Health Bill… Again

His rationalization for vetoing the bill is that it is the beginning of socialized medicine? Maybe the President has not visited an emergency room in any city in America lately. Socialized medicine is already here! It’s just the most expensive form of medical health care there is and we all pay for the poor using the Emergency Room with every payment to our HMO provider whether we like it or not.
If there ever was a clear cut example of what not to do as an American President then this guy is going to be mentioned more times than anyone else. He clearly fit’s the phrase from the movie The American President where it was said “For someone that loves America but clearly can not stand American’s”. Rough paraphrase but it fits W to a tee.
Bush vetoes children's health bill a second time
Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:02pm
By Caren Bohan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush on Wednesday vetoed a bill expanding a popular children's health care program for the second time, angering Democrats who are locked in a fight with the administration over the budget and spending.
Pushed by the Democratic-led Congress but also supported by many Republicans, the bill was aimed at providing health insurance to about 10 million children in low- and moderate-income families. Taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products would have been increased to pay for the aid.
Bush vetoed a version of the bill in October but Congress quickly passed another one that included some changes but not enough to satisfy the White House.
"Because the Congress has chosen to send me an essentially identical bill that has the same problems as the flawed bill I previously vetoed, I must veto this legislation too," Bush wrote in a message to the House of Representatives.
The fight between Congress and the White House over the health bill is one in a series of clashes over spending that have arisen as Bush approaches the start of his final year in office. -Reuters
One of the obvious problems with the bill is how it was to be funded and those funds discharged. There was no money in it for the “Bush Too” crew of political hacks. If Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi had linked some (more than half) of the money from the bill to be directly paid back to any oil company or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia then it might have had a chance at passing.
It is very obvious that this President does not care one iota about his own peoples health care. He does not even care about our own military wounded soldiers coming home for care in our military hospitals unless the Washington Post blasts the negligence across the front page to embarrass him. Even then he only tosses a white wash over the issue and moves on to where the money is.
Sometimes I wonder if he has CADD, that would be Conservative Attention Deficit Disorder. Federal programs that don’t send money his friends way just can not seem to hold his attention span long enough. Out comes the veto crayon and he tries his best to color within the lines but those pesky flash bulbs always make him mess up.
Back to the emergency room kids. Socialized medicine? Ridiculous!
Technorati Tags:
Bush, Healthcare, Kids Health, SCHP, Emergency Room Care, Hospital Health Care, ER Visit, Preventive Medicine, Medical Care, ER Doctors, ER Cost, Poor Mans Healthcare, Medical Insurance, HMO, Life Flight, Nursing Issue, Republicans Against Health Care, Health Care for Kids, Co Pay, Prescription Drugs, Forgotten Poor, Dr Seuss, Health Care for All, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Dodd, Edwards, Iowa Politics, New Hampshire Politics, President Buss, Veto Pen
Labels: American Children, Bush Health, Bush Hypocrisy, Emergency Room, Healthcare, Hospitals, Medical Workers

I'm asking this of all who support this S-CHIP expansion. Are you a smoker? If not, do you hate children? Do you also hate the poor and the middle class, the vast majority of people who are actually funding this expansion?
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