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Friday, November 02, 2007

Presidency and the Voters Temperature

Picture courtesy of the White House

Is it ironic that we as a people can not trust any politician running for President to tell us what they will do once elected based on what the current President has done to our nation?

When you think about the truth in politics you always look at it as a cloud that could be dispersed if the winds change. Public opinion is now no longer relevant if the latest polls say that a candidate for President should be on this side of the issue or against this other issue. I’ll offer one further point with the main stream media dictating as to whom is first, second and third and laughingly pointing out who the hell should just up and quit campaigning in each political party. Has the office of President been sold to the highest tally polling Lemming?

I respect all of the candidates running for President for the most part because they all want to serve our nation and the price to do so is personally expensive. For some the cost is just a matter of writing out just another check but for others it is the cost to the human spirit that can be wiped out. Personal attacks on everything from the color of your skin to your gender are all up for grabs and a person has to have a tough skin for it. Running for President is not for the weak of mind or spirit. Then again, being the President is not the easiest job in the world either. People will love you or absolutely despise you no matter what you do as President.

We all look at the issues as an individual and we can form our own opinions based on our own life experience but there is always room for more information and thought on the subject. Not everyone is a Liberal on all issues and not everyone is a Conservative based on the little letter next to your name on your voter registration log. This nation does not revolve around politics and exact political affiliation but does revolve around the individual voters when massed in a similar thought process. Our election process for our nations government can claim the groups but not the individuals no matter how much money they have in the bank.

Voter apathy when it comes to the Presidency of the United States of America is very high. With the last two elections being a mockery of the election process it is understandable that people can believe that it is not worth wasting your time to vote or even participate in the process. Today over dinner at a local fish and chips establishment, I overheard a young man in his twenties rant on to his father why his vote does not mean anything when it comes time to whom is elected President. His father did not have an argument valid enough with facts that would have changed his son’s mind. That is just one case of voter apathy transferring backwards to the previous generation. That is just one case of one young man that will probably never vote for the rest of his life.

When it comes to an individual actually taking the time to vote in any election process it is more than just about the individual vote. My vote on one issue and one candidate in my local elections may not match up with my one vote on another issue in the same election. Just as my vote for Congress may not match up with the likely candidate for Senate or President or vice versa. Voting is the ultimate thermometer of the nation and the choice of the people.

All Americans need to think about the nation as a child, when the child is well the nation is best suited to the government its people has elected. If the child is sick and the temperature is in the danger zone then the votes of the few add up to the votes of the many and change is initiated by the results of the election process. High temp, change course, administer election medicine and vote again in two years.

I’m not sure how the co-pay on this national health care voting process works when it comes to the welfare of our nation but I’m pretty sure that in the long run the nation will survive yet another Presidential election. I do know this, the time for change is at hand and talking softly but carrying a big stick fit’s the nation now more than ever.


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Cross posted at Bring IT ON!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'd worry about the young man in question; it is common for people to be less involved in politics when they're young, but they tend to get more involved when they get older. Granted, I was interested in politics as an undergrad, but the '92 election was of a rather unique and entertaining character.

And I've actually heard that there has recently been an uptick in presidential voting, with 59% voting in 2004.

7:16 AM  
Blogger The GTL™ said...

I wish I could be as optimistic as you are about the good intentions of those who run for president these days, bro. From what I can see, the only ones who wish to actually SERVE the People are the ones who get no media coverage while the frontrunners are a bunch of power hungry extremist JERKS with personal power and gain on their minds. Patriots? I just don't see them that way anymore, and it's sad I've become so cynical about these a-holes...

9:48 AM  

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