Republicans and Conservatives going Obama
Frankly, I was very surprised to see my former Governor, Bill Weld of MA endorsing Obama over McCain. Governor Weld was a Conservative Republican Governor in one of the most liberal states in America that served as Governor with a Democrat liberal legislature. Today, Governor Bill Weld (voted for him twice) endorsed Barack Obama. A decision Governor Weld did not come to overnight but after weeks of deep thought on the actual positions Barack Obama has stated publicly and on his website. Sound familiar?
Colin Powell, Secretary of State, former Joint Chief of Staff of our nations military under George W. Bush, has endorsed Barack Obama for President crossing party lines not because of race but because of the issues and the positions and future Obama offers America. Some well known blogs and radio talk show hosts on the right are calling Colin Powell a traitor, a racist, and some words that I don’t repeat because they are wrong. Since when is a Purple Heart medal recipient a traitor. How about a Bronze Star? I could go on with the heroics behind Colin Powel in his service to America through his entire life but I should not have to. He’s one American endorsing his choice for the next President.
Then you have Christopher Hitchens, a former Brit that is now an American citizen with severe right wing tendencies not only endorsing Obama but calling out that John McCain has something weird going on. His words, not mine. Hitchens even used the word “Senile” in describing many reactions on television and radio that McCain has spoken on. Christopher Hitchens went on Hardball with Chris Matthews and endorsed Obama.
Video Link
Is it just me or is the Republican Party running away from John McCain and Sarah Palin as fast as possible? Maybe America cares more about the issues that effect all of our lives rather than he said, he associated with, he did this, he voted for this in the past or he is a liberal. All of this is coming out of the McCain campaign and it is just attacks and not issues that need ideas and policy to fix them. Issues that you and I have to face every single day. One candidate is talking about the issues, how he will fix them, and the other is talking about the past. Vote your heart, just vote!
*****Reuters has picked up this post... Thank you!
Labels: Christopher Hitchens, Conservative, election, Endorse, Governor Weld, Hitchens, John McCain, Party Abandonment, Political Endorsement, Politics, Powell, President 08, Republican, Sarah Palin, Weld

Dems have been cross voting for years and totally leaving the party to become Independents..whats the big deal that some Repubs have done the same??
Joe Leiberman is backing McCain..he is 1 of only 100 Senators?? Again, what is the point here?
Dems & Independents put Ronald Reagan and Geo I & II in office!
"Frankly, I was very surprised to see my former Governor, Bill Weld of MA endorsing Obama over McCain. Governor Weld was a Conservative Republican Governor in one of the most liberal states in America that served as Governor with a Democrat liberal legislature."
>>>I really question your political knowledge with the above statement..I'll give you that he was Governor of Massachusetts and aftah that you are on your own..
Bill Weld is the same man nominated to be Ambassador to Mexico by Bill Clinton that Senator Jesse Helms of Nort Carolina and a "Conservative Republican " denied the nomination as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee..
I saw Weld and was delighted that he spoke with such sound reason despite the fact he’s a Republican.
Caught the rerun of “Larry King Live” at midnight ET, and Hitchens made an appearance there, too. Another King guest was former Bush press secretary Scott McClellan, who is not only endorsing Obama, but said he would be happy to hit the campaign trail for him, if asked.
Most of the Republican and/or right-wing pundits I’ve heard who are jumping on the Obama bandwagon are questioning McCain’s judgment for putting Palin on the GOP ticket.
You know, I’ve watched several attempted interviews with Palin now, and there is just nothing there. She is a bullsh*tter who skirts the questions with inane and rote answers. What an embarrassment.
You just keep on doing what you do best, Papamoka: writing from the heart and loving and fighting for your country!
writing from the heart is one thing..making statements that are inaccurate out of love for another candidate is another thing..Bill Weld was far from a Conservative Republican...Conservatives are whom tanked his nomination to be Ambassador to Mexico..and again makes me wondah about how politically astute the bloggah is on politics...
Millions of Democrats will be voting for John McCain..this checkmates the few Repubs that will be voting for Barry:>)Anyone evah hear of the term Reagan Democrats??
And telling us that 98% of American's are going to get tax breaks aint bullshit:>)Telling anyone who will listen that FDR was President in 1929 isn't idiocy?? My 5th grade niece even laughed at this:>) She is supporting Obama/Biden:>)
We currently have about 8 who pay taxpayers in urban Worcester as it is...please send some of these taxpayers ovah to us?
Our current Massachusetts Governor campaigned on property tax relief to all property property taxes went up in two towns, how about yours??? Chief Gemme just announced police reductions..what happened to the new 1000 police officers???? Should I go on about horseshitten the votah?? It seems to pile up on both sides of the corral
I'm curious how many banging Governor Palin have within their inner circle women who have been Mayor of a town or city..beaten back an entrenched Governor to become Governor of a State..and seems to be raising a pretty stable household on top of it all ?? Half assed statements about Governor Palin are made as if the woman picked your pocket on Shrewsbury Street...even I who will not be supporting Senator Obama can respect his achievements-the few that he truely has considering the office he is seeking.
To be quite honest..I'd rather also see a GIANT as a VP pick on the McCain ticket but we have few of these anymore...same reason the Democratic Party could only come up with a cat who was a State Senator only three years ago..anyone know their state senator and think she or he could lead the Free World?? We have one who doesn't even live in the city but represents us:>)
Folks used to know politics when they discussed it..nowadays they just copy everyone elses soundbites:>)
Obama has 3-1 funds to spend and McCain is still in this...that MEANS again..Millions of Democrats & Independents are voting for McCain..again this checkmates a few Repubs:>) Why don't we have a poliical discussion on why so many Dems have been crossing the aisle to vote for Republicans that past 20 years?? Or why millions have left the party all together to become has goten to the point where the Dems have given up on the middle class votah and is now spending millions to recruit homeless..yah I know it is done to give them the opportunity as Americans..unil they want to move to Newton Hill area and then it's the wrong opprtunity for them:>)
I'll bet one of my three deckahs on Chandler Urban that there were more future Obama supportahs who fought a few years back to keep out the womens dry shelter at the rotary than future McCain/Palin supportahs
As Dr. John sings "Such a Night"
"Why don't we have a poliical discussion on why so many Dems have been crossing the aisle to vote for Republicans that past 20 years?? Or why millions have left the party all together to become Independents"
I didn't think you much about actual political discussion
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